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demonrail666 09.12.2017 06:58 AM

What has Robert Schunk said that makes him a troll, other than disagree with the majority of posters in this thread? His reluctance to embrace the lumpenproletariat is perfectly in-keeping within Marxist philosophy (The Eighteenth Brumaire?). You can argue their case but the fact is that the Left was born out of 'selective solidarity' and to question a man's Leftist credentials because he isn't in solidarity with the lumpenproletariat means you'd also have to question the Leftism of Marx and Engels and Trotsky, who also showed no solidarity with them.

h8kurdt 09.12.2017 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
What has Robert Schunk said that makes him a troll, other than disagree with the majority of posters in this thread? His reluctance to embrace the lumpenproletariat is perfectly in-keeping within Marxist philosophy (The Eighteenth Brumaire?). You can argue their case but the fact is that the Left was born out of 'selective solidarity' and to question a man's Leftist credentials because he isn't in solidarity with the lumpenproletariat means you'd also have to question the Leftism of Marx and Engels and Trotsky, who also showed no solidarity with them.


!@#$%! 09.12.2017 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
What has Robert Schunk said that makes him a troll, other than disagree with the majority of posters in this thread? His reluctance to embrace the lumpenproletariat is perfectly in-keeping within Marxist philosophy (The Eighteenth Brumaire?). You can argue their case but the fact is that the Left was born out of 'selective solidarity' and to question a man's Leftist credentials because he isn't in solidarity with the lumpenproletariat means you'd also have to question the Leftism of Marx and Engels and Trotsky, who also showed no solidarity with them.

trotsky and marx and engels can eat a bag of dicks, but that's besides the point.

the point is that the skunk himself is much more lumpenproletariat than the kids he wishes to persecute. the kids study and work, while he is a parasite. in order to build himself the ego illusion of superiority he arbitrarily proclaims these students and workers "lumpenproletariat". how are students and workers "lumpenproletariat"? through the power of drunken denial, of course. fuck his twisted drunken logic.

i know i normally advocate more civil discourse here but there's a point where i lose my shit and must bring out the knives. low blows for low blows.

DACA stands for deferred action on childhood arrivals. it deals with about a million kids who were brought here by their "illegal" parents. they have lived here all their lives and know no other homeland than this--they are socially and culturally and psychologically, except for their place of birth, americans.

now there are about 11 million "illegals" in this country. there is also a huge demand for workers with a work ethic who aren't looking for excuses to file for disability and collect government checks. just go look at the hondurans who are rebuilding new orleans. so it's not just the immigrants who are a part of this thing-- it takes two to tango.

but okay, let's say it's all their fault for a moment, and let's put aside the whole debate on the fact that this is a country of immigrants, and if you want to discuss the legality of all the many immigration waves just ask an indian for their take, and let's not remember for a moment how 1/3 of this country used to be mexico. put that aside and say "it's all on the immigrants" for the sake of argument.

you can't deport 11 million people without turning this country into a police state. sorta like burning the house to get rid of the fleas. so the obama administration decided to set priorities for removals-- criminals being the prime target for deportation (the real lumpenproletariat), other people later, so as not to clog up the works.

obama actually deported tons of people. he didn't have to deal with so many border crossings in part due to improved economic conditions in mexico (there's your side effect of trade), but he pursued removals (from the country) and returns (at the border) systematically.

at the same time as they focused on criminals and border crossers, they decided to show some mercy to the blameless and say they would DEFER the removal of people who arrived here as children, provided that they meet certain conditions-- finish high school, have no criminal record, pursue work or higher education, etc. (how the fuck is that lumpenproletariat?)

while obama pursued deportations more effectively and more clinically than trump has so far, our current populist fearmonger decided to rule by gestures and demonize people publicly instead. his threat to cancel DACA, and put innocent kids in the same plane as drug mules and cartel assassins, was nothing but a piece of red meat thrown to the dogs. bullshit and propaganda. thank fuck he's abandoned it for now. i'm sure he'll dangle more bait when he needs it.

the skunk should worry more about his own parasitical status instead of trying to blame the innocent for his non-existent wages. if he wants children persecuted for the crimes of their parents then let's look at any possible cheapjack mafioso ancestors he might have and all the horse thieves hanging from his family tree. i'm sure we'll find something.

sorry but there's a point where i start seeing red. if he wants to dish out callousness he'll get it back from me.

ilduclo 09.12.2017 08:34 AM

Aaand, back on topic, and also not so,

The false 911 piety of Trump and his fake wife is just sickening

Also, why the fuck to I have to see Steve Carell every where, please make it stop.

evollove 09.12.2017 09:01 AM

^ You mean this video? Yeah, I puked my breakfast.


RS isn't a troll. And never mind the hypocrisy or even factual inaccuracies. He's mean-spirited. That's all.

Yes, I really think that's enough of a condemnation. As that great bumper sticker reads: I'd rather have a bleeding heart than no heart at all.


I'm pissed at the celebrities who have demonstrated a commitment to humanitarian causes and have otherwise revealed themselves to be people of character--like Tom Hanks or George Clooney.

They sometimes get asked if they'd ever run for an office, and they are flattered but answer that they are unqualified and don't know enough to perform the job properly.

That was a good answer. A few years ago.

If Kid Rock even knows how many senators come from each state, I'll eat a cowboy hat.

ilduclo 09.12.2017 09:16 AM

Yeah, the best thing for the RS's of the world is the ignore function. One celeb who has shown what he can accomplish is Al Franken, what a great guy he is!

The Soup Nazi 09.12.2017 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
One celeb who has shown what he can accomplish is Al Franken, what a great guy he is!

LOVE Al Franken. By the way, Carrie Brownstein once said that her dream ticket would be Franken for President, Jeanene Garofalo VP. :)

evollove 09.12.2017 09:45 AM

^ Franken and Garofalo? Yeah, I'd love to see how much Jew-hating this country can muster.

My guess? A lot.

h8kurdt 09.12.2017 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Aaand, back on topic, and also not so,

The false 911 piety of Trump and his fake wife is just sickening

Also, why the fuck to I have to see Steve Carell every where, please make it stop.


Severian 09.12.2017 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
^ You mean this video? Yeah, I puked my breakfast.


RS isn't a troll. And never mind the hypocrisy or even factual inaccuracies. He's mean-spirited. That's all.

Yes, I really think that's enough of a condemnation. As that great bumper sticker reads: I'd rather have a bleeding heart than no heart at all.


I'm pissed at the celebrities who have demonstrated a commitment to humanitarian causes and have otherwise revealed themselves to be people of character--like Tom Hanks or George Clooney.

They sometimes get asked if they'd ever run for an office, and they are flattered but answer that they are unqualified and don't know enough to perform the job properly.

That was a good answer. A few years ago.

If Kid Rock even knows how many senators come from each state, I'll eat a cowboy hat.

*Rep jizz*

Oh my, I'm sorry.

ilduclo 09.12.2017 06:00 PM

no charges in Freddie Gray killing

!@#$%! 09.12.2017 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo



(male, black, poor)


it's open season on "blacks", y'all. "yeeeeehaw???"

this country i going down the shitter.

i'm readying my bug-out bag

the white supremacists are out in force--- and who can stop them?


in 1848 they invaded mexico in the name of manifest destiny

today? who the fuck knows!

i'm asking for a friend here. can i stay at your house? can i hide between the walls like anne frank?


"In light of this reported decision, we are once again calling on DOJ to actively support -- not undermine -- the consent decree and to provide Baltimore with all federal resources available to improve our police force. Doing anything less would be unconscionable," the lawmakers said in a joint statement."

federal resources: they'll be issuing "how to kill a n--. a field manual" to all eligible officers.


i'm trying to not lose my shit but it's hard. feels we're at the edge of an all-out racial warfare. and it's fucking global-- it's catching in other places. yes-- i've done my research.


singapore, do you copy?

tesla69 09.13.2017 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
What has Robert Schunk said that makes him a troll, other than disagree with the majority of posters in this thread? .

Do you see how the bully trio works on this board? They are incapable of discussion, all they can do is smear, and I will again assert their goal is to destroy this board.

Severan is so insecure scared by what I say that he can't simply ignore me, but has to try and get on the board to ignore me!

The 4 yuaners are very busy on this board - some days its seems that Severan answers EVERY single post, so he's getting his 4 yuan.

Severan: "
This is starting to feel like a gang-up though, and I'm not really comfortable with gang-ups."
Bullshit, thats all you do - you attack anyone who won't grovel at your infinite boringness. You're trying to be cointelpro clever but we have your number.

evollove 09.13.2017 09:47 AM

I agree. Now can we please talk about the real issues? Trump is being covertly drugged by deep state actors.

Explains a hell of a lot, I have to admit.

Deep state operatives are putting sedatives in President Trump’s food and drink to make him more pliable and disoriented, according to multiple White House sources.

Insiders close to Trump noticed his slurred speech and sleepiness over the past several months, which are strikingly similar to changes observed in former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, both of whom were sedated.

Severian 09.13.2017 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
Do you see how the bully trio works on this board? They are incapable of discussion, all they can do is smear, and I will again assert their goal is to destroy this board.

Severan is so insecure scared by what I say that he can't simply ignore me, but has to try and get on the board to ignore me!

The 4 yuaners are very busy on this board - some days its seems that Severan answers EVERY single post, so he's getting his 4 yuan.

Severan: "
This is starting to feel like a gang-up though, and I'm not really comfortable with gang-ups."
Bullshit, thats all you do - you attack anyone who won't grovel at your infinite boringness. You're trying to be cointelpro clever but we have your number.

Nah, I really don't like gang-ups or insult volleys. I don't like being on the receiving end of internet bashing and I don't like serving it up either. You can believe whatever you want to believe, but that's the truth. Sometimes I get pissed, and name-call and blow up, but it always leaves me feeling shitty.

Nothing that has ever happened in this board has anything to do with any "insecurity" of mine caused by you. Again, believe what you want, but that's way off the mark, and just makes me even more inclined to think that you have no interest in actually discussing anything.

!@#$%! 09.13.2017 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Nah, I really don't like gang-ups or insult volleys. I don't like being on the receiving end of internet bashing and I don't like serving it up either. You can believe whatever you want to believe, but that's the truth. Sometimes I get pissed, and name-call and blow up, but it always leaves me feeling shitty.

Nothing that has ever happened in this board has anything to do with any "insecurity" of mine caused by you. Again, believe what you want, but that's way off the mark, and just makes me even more inclined to think that you have no interest in actually discussing anything.

come on! tesla brought a lot of good laughs. why so serious?

i was hoping for more info on the drugging of our füh... commander chief i mean!


Originally Posted by evollove
I agree. Now can we please talk about the real issues? Trump is being covertly drugged by deep state actors.

Explains a hell of a lot, I have to admit.

Deep state operatives are putting sedatives in President Trump’s food and drink to make him more pliable and disoriented, according to multiple White House sources.

Insiders close to Trump noticed his slurred speech and sleepiness over the past several months, which are strikingly similar to changes observed in former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, both of whom were sedated.

this. is journalistic gold.

h8kurdt 09.13.2017 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I agree. Now can we please talk about the real issues? Trump is being covertly drugged by deep state actors.

Explains a hell of a lot, I have to admit.

Deep state operatives are putting sedatives in President Trump’s food and drink to make him more pliable and disoriented, according to multiple White House sources.

Insiders close to Trump noticed his slurred speech and sleepiness over the past several months, which are strikingly similar to changes observed in former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, both of whom were sedated.

I actually watched this the other day. The best bit was where he was saying that he could actually be killed before the show was over because of this "revelation"

!@#$%! 09.13.2017 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
I actually watched this the other day. The best bit was where he was saying that he could actually be killed before the show was over because of this "revelation"

obviously he was killed during an intermission and replaced by a clone!

pretending it's otherwise just serves the conspiracy

ilduclo 09.13.2017 04:01 PM

hard to understand why someone comes to a bbs based on a creative, avant garde politically left band and expects to not be criticized about their right wing opinions. Isn't Stormfront or Reddit a better place for these posts? Why not head over there and see if there are some leftists to bother?

tesla69 09.13.2017 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
hard to understand why someone comes to a bbs based on a creative, avant garde politically left band and expects to not be criticized about their right wing opinions.

there is a difference between criticism and never ending bullying, smearing and disruption made possible by the anonymity this board provides. I can't even post on a music thread without being attacked. They swarm like empty thetans to an actual soul.

I used like to discuss stuff with most everyone on the board, but the empty thetan bully team disrupt and take over pretty much every thread with jabbering template language. I have them ignored its amazing to see how much they talk to themselves on some threads. Who has time for that shit everyday?

The reasons I would post something is to get the boardies to disprove it or to inform. That simple act of sharing greatly threatens the empty thetan bully trio, but I don't expect to see their tantrums anymore through the magic of ignore.

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