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Bytor Peltor 06.05.2018 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you know it’s not a witch hunt, right? 17 indictments and 5 guilty pleas is not nothing

and yeah it would be up to the spineless congress to impeach or not

ZERO GUILTY PLEADS for colluding with the Russians or rigging an election!!!

************************************************** *************

For those of you who live outside this country and for the rest who are American citizens and have evidently forgotten what you should’ve learned in Jr. High, let’s look at how our government works.

President Donald Trump: “i’ve done no wrongdoing, but I have the power to pardon myself if I so choose.”

President Donald Trump‘s lawyers notified Robert Muller......under the constitution, there is no way a sitting President could obstruct any investigation.


President Of The United States
Executive Branch
Justice Department

The Justice Department appointed Robert Muller to head up the investigation. Because any sitting President is “Boss” over the Executive Branch, the President can shut down Justice Department & FBI investigations. President Donald Trump could fire Robert Muller today and there is nothing illegal or impeachable for doing so. This is also true if the President chose to cut off funding to an investigation. The Boss has final say!

Soooo......what does our Government have in place to investigate a sitting President?

***Legislative Branch***

The legislative branch has the power and authority to appoint their own special counsel. Under The Constitution, the President has NO AUTHORITY over this special counsel. If any President attempted to stop or influence the Legislative investigation......that would be an impeachable offense!

NEWSFLASH: The United States legislature HAS NOT appointed a special prosecutor. The legislature isn’t investigating ANYTHING!!!

Typically, when the FBI has, ZERO-Nothing-NADA evidence against you, they’re only option is to try and find where you may have somehow obstructed justice...... but as I explained above, the United States Constitution clearly states that a President cannot obstruct any investigation under the legislative branch.

Class is dismissed!

!@#$%! 06.05.2018 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Class is dismissed!

fortunately one’s education does not cease after elementary school

and so we can hear out specialists and the better educated to look at what happens beyond simplistic arguments about “the constitution”.

like, people who know and understand that obstruction of justice is spelled out in the US code.

here’s one example:

here are some excerpts worth highlighting

But the obstruction statutes are a tricky business. By their terms, they generally do not prohibit specific acts alone. They prohibit those acts when taken “corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication.” They prohibit those acts when someone engages in them “willfully” and with specific intent to tamper with the justice system. They use words like “corruptly persuade.” The same exact act can be an obstruction of justice or not depending entirely on what the perpetrator of that act intends.


But here’s where we come to what I think is one significant flaw in the president’s legal theory. Major criminal investigations seldom do take place entirely within the executive branch. Criminal investigations take place in a complex interaction between the Justice Department and grand juries, which are instrumentalities of the judiciary, and they end up in court in criminal proceedings. A facially valid action taken in the service of managing the executive branch, if taken with specific intent to commit a crime in order to influence a judicial proceeding, can theoretically violate statutes designed to protect the judicial function.


The president takes an oath of office in which he promises to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States” and he is obliged by the Constitution to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” The law professors Eric Posner and Daniel Hemel suggest a legal test in which “a president commits obstruction of justice when he significantly interferes with an investigation, prosecution, or other law enforcement action to advance narrowly personal, pecuniary, or partisan interests.”

so, basically, while it’s true that the president has broad authority over the executive branch, it does not follow that the president is above the law and can run the government like a mafia. there’s a high burden of proof on the prosecution no doubt, and we still have not heard what the results of the investigation are. so we don’t know. and since we don’t know, we can’t claim that we do.

h8kurdt 06.05.2018 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
ZERO GUILTY PLEADS for colluding with the Russians or rigging an election!!!

************************************************** *************

For those of you who live outside this country and for the rest who are American citizens and have evidently forgotten what you should’ve learned in Jr. High, let’s look at how our government works.

President Donald Trump: “i’ve done no wrongdoing, but I have the power to pardon myself if I so choose.”

President Donald Trump‘s lawyers notified Robert Muller......under the constitution, there is no way a sitting President could obstruct any investigation.


President Of The United States
Executive Branch
Justice Department

The Justice Department appointed Robert Muller to head up the investigation. Because any sitting President is “Boss” over the Executive Branch, the President can shut down Justice Department & FBI investigations. President Donald Trump could fire Robert Muller today and there is nothing illegal or impeachable for doing so. This is also true if the President chose to cut off funding to an investigation. The Boss has final say!

Soooo......what does our Government have in place to investigate a sitting President?

***Legislative Branch***

The legislative branch has the power and authority to appoint their own special counsel. Under The Constitution, the President has NO AUTHORITY over this special counsel. If any President attempted to stop or influence the Legislative investigation......that would be an impeachable offense!

NEWSFLASH: The United States legislature HAS NOT appointed a special prosecutor. The legislature isn’t investigating ANYTHING!!!

Typically, when the FBI has, ZERO-Nothing-NADA evidence against you, they’re only option is to try and find where you may have somehow obstructed justice...... but as I explained above, the United States Constitution clearly states that a President cannot obstruct any investigation under the legislative branch.

Class is dismissed!

Sometimes I swear you're just trolling.

Skuj 06.05.2018 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
ZERO GUILTY PLEADS for colluding with the Russians or rigging an election!!!

************************************************** *************

For those of you who live outside this country and for the rest who are American citizens and have evidently forgotten what you should’ve learned in Jr. High, let’s look at how our government works.

President Donald Trump: “i’ve done no wrongdoing, but I have the power to pardon myself if I so choose.”

President Donald Trump‘s lawyers notified Robert Muller......under the constitution, there is no way a sitting President could obstruct any investigation.


President Of The United States
Executive Branch
Justice Department

The Justice Department appointed Robert Muller to head up the investigation. Because any sitting President is “Boss” over the Executive Branch, the President can shut down Justice Department & FBI investigations. President Donald Trump could fire Robert Muller today and there is nothing illegal or impeachable for doing so. This is also true if the President chose to cut off funding to an investigation. The Boss has final say!

Soooo......what does our Government have in place to investigate a sitting President?

***Legislative Branch***

The legislative branch has the power and authority to appoint their own special counsel. Under The Constitution, the President has NO AUTHORITY over this special counsel. If any President attempted to stop or influence the Legislative investigation......that would be an impeachable offense!

NEWSFLASH: The United States legislature HAS NOT appointed a special prosecutor. The legislature isn’t investigating ANYTHING!!!

Typically, when the FBI has, ZERO-Nothing-NADA evidence against you, they’re only option is to try and find where you may have somehow obstructed justice...... but as I explained above, the United States Constitution clearly states that a President cannot obstruct any investigation under the legislative branch.

Class is dismissed!

Trump's tweets work.

Skuj 06.05.2018 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
fortunately one’s education does not cease after elementary school


so, basically, while it’s true that the president has broad authority over the executive branch, it does not follow that the president is above the law and can run the government like a mafia. there’s a high burden of proof on the prosecution no doubt, and we still have not heard what the results of the investigation are. so we don’t know. and since we don’t know, we can’t claim that we do.

Thank you for restating this yet again. In this thread we will continue to go in circles.

!@#$%! 06.05.2018 09:00 PM

this one was in this morning’s wsj email. this is not a partisan post. i just enjoy looking at trends.

The Breakfast Briefing

The good news for home builders and house hunters is that lumber prices have sold off since hitting an all-time high in mid-May. The bad news: wood prices are still up 66% over the past year, adding thousands of dollars to the cost of each new house.

The historic run-up in lumber prices--attributable to a trade dispute with Canada, wildfires and limited rail capacity--comes as U.S. home builders are already struggling to meet demand amid shortages in buildable lots and labor.

Lumber futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange closed at $586.80 per 1,000 board feet on Monday, down 8.2% from the all-time high of $639 reached May 17 but still sky high in a market in which prices have only occasionally eclipsed $400 over the last three decades.

“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Deb Maples, risk management consultant at futures brokerage INTL FCStone Financial Inc. “It’s been unprecedented.”

For a generation setting off to start families in the suburbs, pricier construction materials are another hurdle to homeownership, on top of rising borrowing costs and competition from institutional investors, who are gobbling up homes to turn into rentals in some of the country's hottest markets.

Lately there have been signs that the housing market is slowing as prices push beyond the reach of some buyers. Housing starts, purchases of newly built single-family homes and residential building permits, a sign of how much construction is in the pipeline, each declined in April, according to the Commerce Department.

Surging softwood prices aren’t entirely responsible, of course, but they offer a glimpse into how the Trump administration’s protectionist trade stance might ripple through the U.S. economy as tariffs are imposed on other raw materials, such as steel and aluminum.

The housing recovery was already pushing lumber prices higher last year when forest fires tore through western Canada, where loggers harvest about a third of the lumber consumed in the U.S. The blazes exacerbated shortages following wood-boring beetle infestations that wiped out millions of acres of North American timber.

Then, later in the year, the U.S. levied tariffs on Canadian lumber of around 20%. Without enough domestic lumber to meet demand, buyers have mostly had to pay up.

“Lumber shipments from Canada to the U.S. are higher than ever, but the price of lumber went up in excess of the duty,” Jean-Jacques Ruest, interim chief executive of Canadian National Railway Co., told investors at a conference last week. “So what they did is create an inflation and there was no impact in the trade because housing starts are strong.”

Bytor Peltor 06.06.2018 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Sometimes I swear you're just trolling.

I call it......TRUTHING!

Just me expressing my thoughts and opinions.


Originally Posted by Skuj
I can't wait to bump this in November. (But, I accept I may do a face-palm image instead.)

Skuj - if I’m mistaken about one of my predictions or thoughts about something, I’ll happily admit embarrassment here :)

Skuj 06.06.2018 04:15 PM

Well, nothing surprises me anymore. Trump may be POTUS for 8 fucking years.

ilduclo 06.06.2018 05:44 PM

Now let us say, and, indeed, why not, that everything you fear might happen starts to really happen. In an obviously rigged election, Democrats overwhelmingly win back the House and the Senate, they start impeachment proceedings, and they start to undo all the great and wonderful things that Donald Trump did. They restore the individual mandate and expand the catastrophe known as Obamacare. They halt construction on the Wall. They bring back DACA and targeted enforcement of immigration laws. It's a damn nightmare.

But then shit gets even worse. Rather than face impeachment and removal from office, as well as possible arrest, Donald Trump escapes with his family to Russia, where they are welcomed by Vladimir Putin, who you know is a great leader because Trump told you he is. Mike Pence hightails it to Israel. And, before you know it, Nancy motherfuckin' Pelosi is the Commander-in-Chief.

And you know what happens next. She bans all images of Donald Trump, arresting anyone who dares to support him. She fills her cabinet with blacks and Hispanics, lots of women, queers galore, even a transgender Secretary of Defense. She starts to outlaw any Christian church that doesn't preach love and inclusiveness but she lets the Muslims slide. She demands that everyone takes a knee during the National Anthem. She opens the borders and tells MS-13 they can cut any Trump-lover to tiny pieces. They like to use knives, you know, to make it last longer. And Bernie Sanders runs Congress, pushing Pelosi to turn the nation into a socialist hellscape, where the government decides who lives and who dies for the greater good.

And, finally, worst of all, the final straw, Nancy Pelosi comes after your guns. Oh, sure, the NRA tries to raise an army to fight back, but even AR-15s and small rocket launchers are no match for drones with Hellfire missiles.

Skuj 06.06.2018 07:26 PM

It will be Warren.

Pocahontas* will have her revenge.

(*It pained me to type what Trump freely spews. I feel dirty now.)

Skuj 06.06.2018 07:44 PM

PS: “Scott Pruitt is the gift that keeps on giving.”

The Soup Nazi 06.06.2018 11:28 PM




G7 Summit Off To A Great Start As Trump Accuses Canada Of Burning Down The White House

Stay tuned for Friday, when Trump kicks off the summit by slapping extra tariffs on the European Union as payback for France bombing Pearl Harbor.

The Soup Nazi 06.06.2018 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Pocahontas* will have her revenge.

Pocahaunted will have their revenge.


Bytor Peltor 06.07.2018 02:36 AM

Robert Mueller has requested that witnesses turn in their private cellphones as he wants to search any encrypted messaging programs.

A request is not the same as a subpoena!

What would happen if any of these witnesses destroyed their private cell phone in the same manner as Hillary Clinton?

Is there a Two-Tier Justice System??

Is it possible Robert Mueller wants the private cellphones so evidence can be implanted?

I’m surprised no one here hasn't asked why President Donald Trump hasn’t overturned Executive Order 12333???

Could it be our President will use this Executive Order to??????

ilduclo 06.07.2018 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
PS: “Scott Pruitt is the gift that keeps on taking.”


Skuj 06.07.2018 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Is it possible Robert Mueller wants the private cellphones so evidence can be implanted?

Dude, a lot of what you say baffles me, but this one really takes the cake.

Fox "News" has really got you.

ilduclo 06.07.2018 03:03 PM

implants are only important to Trump when.........

!@#$%! 06.08.2018 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Larry Summers is (or was) one of the biggest hypers of Neoliberal dogma around, and his recent conversion isn't really convincing me. He's still a globalist who's still defending the globalist system.

globalization is unavoidable. it’s been in progress since our ancestors left africa. the only issue remaining is which values will preponderate in this planetary integration. and that’s an issue which requires global leadership. but gobal leadership is not accomplished by retrenching behind a medieval moat.



Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
And raising tariffs on Luxembourg steel reduces their competitive advantage relative to domestic steel which helps rebuild the US steel industry.

and what’s so necessary about the US steel industry that requires the government to pick winners and losers in the market?

because right now manufacturing is suffering as a result of steel tariffs.

so we’re squelching manufacturers to favor raw material production.

in the name of....? what exactly?


backwardness more like it.

Skuj 06.08.2018 06:37 PM

And while Trump hits his allies with all this, he ponders why Russia isn't a part of the G7(8). If this was any other time/POTUS, I'd be on the floor convulsing. But, it's Trump.

Skuj 06.08.2018 07:14 PM

A new charge against Manafort.

I would love the Trumpists in this thread to carefully read this, and then tell me (again) that the Mueller Investigation is going nowhere.

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