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atsonicpark 04.22.2008 10:05 AM

I've never hung out on a board of a band I hate the music of. I'm on the Sonic Youth board. Not a Markers board. They're the ones who google themselves to see what people say about them -- for me to say something bad about them and them refuse to add me on myspace because of something I've said on here a long time ago, what I said must've really stuck out to them.

Anyway... I just wanted to let them know that I support them even if I don't usually dig their music. Becuase it is cool what they're doing, and I'm glad they exist. Also, I might go see them live, you know? It's probably better live... basically, it was me saying, "Don't take what I say personally because tons of people do enjoy what you do and I don't hate you as people." You know, I'm not one of those assholes, "IF THE MUSIC DOESN'T PERSONALLY APPEAL TO ME, IT SHOULDN'T EXIST!" It's me being civil. I like for there to be peace in the "underground"... What's the big deal?

I fail to see how you can confuse respect for me disliking their music. I respect their worth ethic.. hell, they might be good people... that ALONE doesn't make their music good. I respect Rolling Stones -- but I dont' like their music. Is that a better example?

Scott, please don't try to make something more out of my post than there needs to be: I was APOLOGIZING to them if they took anything I said PERSONALLY. I don't know how much bigger of a person I can be than that? There is no grudge being held between me to them, something I wanted them to know. As for the stuff I post on this board, it isn't about me bashing everything or whatever.. I'm HONEST about everything I post. It's a message board filled with opionated people; I just choose to give my opinion more often than some people. A lot of people here like shit that is completely awful to my ears -- I like shit that is completely awful to other's ears. There are people like PAULYBEE who likes a lot of shit I hate and loves a lot of shit I love -- because he doesn't bitch at me for bashing his favorite band or something. People on here need to chill the fuck out. It's just opinions. No one is right and no one ever will be.

Also, Dead-Air, no, I don't google my band. I don't give a shit what people think. I don't play music solely for the purpose of people's opinion or for monetary gain, I do it because that's what I want to do. If people want to give me their opinion, that's cool, but I'm going to do what I want to do regardless of what people think. I don't have anything to prove to people. If people google themselves, that's fine, just don't assume I do it. I wasn't aware that the sonic youth board was high up on google's ranking, so thanks for that information. Also, I hardly think my comment in this thread was "talkin' shit" or whatever you said, it was the lost art of "humor on the Sonic Youth board". It's not like this thread was serious to begin with. Seriously, chill out, I haven't said a single thing about the Markers in like 6 months, I think I'm entitled to kid around a bit. I'm not going to ever "talk shit" about them again -- their music is music I don't like, whatever. But I can still joke around. Sorry it's some people's sacred cow I'm joking about, but oh well. Besides, I wasn't insulting them to begin with -- I was joking about Thurston.

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