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Rob Instigator 02.27.2015 12:57 PM

The music SY released after ATL I still love but it did not move me like the earlier stuff, which, for me, drove me away from the bombast of Heavy Metal and the repetitive nature of hardcore and punk, and took me to a new world of skronk RAWK.

I will force everyone to sit and listen to the full 30 minute version of Diamond Sea at my funeral though.......

greenlight 02.27.2015 01:04 PM

just impossible to make up top 5.

I am glad to see Cross The Breeze and Inhuman on the lists.

bollox, I completely forgot to mention one of my all time fav's. Where The Red Fern Grows and Green Light.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.27.2015 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
The music SY released after ATL I still love but it did not move me like the earlier stuff, which, for me, drove me away from the bombast of Heavy Metal and the repetitive nature of hardcore and punk, and took me to a new world of skronk RAWK.

I will force everyone to sit and listen to the full 30 minute version of Diamond Sea at my funeral though.......

What is funny is i am the polar opposite, i had been casually listening to sonic youth since 1992 but i didn't get passionate until ATL and sonic nurse is my favorite record

schizophrenicroom 02.27.2015 06:37 PM

actually sonic nurse might be my 2nd fave after sister now that i think. it's so sexy.

Antagon 02.27.2015 07:08 PM

If I could, I'd list all tracks of BMR. But seeing that this is a thread for standalone songs, here are my current favorites. Preferences may change over time as they have on several occasions in the past.

Intro + Brave Men Run (Gotta mention both of them, they sort of belong together)
Protect Me You
Star Power
Wish Fulfillment
NYC Ghosts & Flowers

Antagon 02.27.2015 07:19 PM


Songs that used to be in my ever-changing/rotating top five in the past:

Paper Cup Exit
Inhuman (The first time SY really blew my mind)
Green Light
The Diamond Sea
I Dreamed I Dream

Edit: Hell, I still feel like I'm leaving out so many great songs. This is an incredibly tough choice.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.27.2015 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Antagon

Edit: Hell, I still feel like I'm leaving out so many great songs. This is an incredibly tough choice.

Agreed making and reading this thread made me realize that i adore just about every single Sonic Youth song ever.. really! all day i've been trying to think about making a "yr worst 5" somgs that id always skip past and honestly i couldn't think of any! Not even from the muchmaligned EJSTNS

Ryan93 02.28.2015 10:14 AM

1. Schizophrenia
2. Dirty Boots
3. Rain On Tine
4. Wildflower Soul
5. Sympathy For The Strawberry

The top 4 are always there but there are so many songs that could be number 5

greenlight 02.28.2015 03:57 PM

I think Sonic Nurse equals Sonics in their peak. stunning album. especially live. not my fav. but one of.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.28.2015 08:45 PM

It was indeed a masterpiece live

rebeccagotcursedout 02.28.2015 11:40 PM

first five songs off the vinyl version of NYC ghost and flowers.

greenlight 03.01.2015 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
i've been trying to think about making a "yr worst 5" somgs that id always skip past and honestly i couldn't think of any!

not a bad idea,
and yeah...

demonrail666 03.03.2015 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
I think Brother James is SY's signature tune

Never thought of it before but I think you're right.

Also just dawned on me that the only track I listed not sung by Kim was an instrumental.

Screaming Skull 03.03.2015 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Agreed making and reading this thread made me realize that i adore just about every single Sonic Youth song ever.. really! all day i've been trying to think about making a "yr worst 5" somgs that id always skip past and honestly i couldn't think of any! Not even from the muchmaligned EJSTNS

While I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, we all know it doesn't hold up to intense scrutiny. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think we can all agree that 'Sleepin' Around' is a puke-fest. We thought it was a puke-fest BEFORE we learned it was autobiographical. BARF!! I don't even have to leave Rather Ripped to submit another...'Lights Out'. Absolutely terrible. Rather Ripped isn't one of their best efforts, but it has some all-time greats like 'Pink Steam', 'Turquoise Boy', and 'Reena'. I think there are approximately 10 songs in SY's entire catalog that are skip-worthy. That's a damn low percentage, for sure...

Peterpuff 03.03.2015 12:29 PM

Posting first, then going back and reading thread...pretty tough to narrow it to just 5, but here's my list

1. Unwind
2. Theresa's Sound World
3. Brother James
4. Stereo Sanctity
5. Hoarfrost

Peterpuff 03.03.2015 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I will force everyone to sit and listen to the full 30 minute version of Diamond Sea at my funeral though.......

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Read this and had a good chuckle. As morbid as the thought might be, I must admit I have had the very same one. Mine is during the actual lowering of the casket. Could there be any better send-off?

And pretty interesting choices on some of these lists. I always enjoy these threads.

Rob Instigator 03.03.2015 12:41 PM

Sleeping Around is their worst song BY FAR

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.03.2015 03:02 PM

I actually liked sleeping around.. its got a groove

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.03.2015 03:11 PM

Songs i skip...
Little trouble girl
My friend goo
I'm Insane
Starfield Road

Interestingly even though i consistently rank EJSTNS as the "worst sonic youth album" i checked it out again and realized i actually like a lot of songs on it

greenlight 03.05.2015 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Peterpuff
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Could there be any better send-off?

I have seen at least one more person having same idea on this forum (diamond sea/funeral).
Pauly Bee...anyone? haven't heard of him in ages..hope he is alright.

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