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krastian 04.13.2006 02:09 AM


Inhuman 04.13.2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by krastian

Word. It's day 2 of the leakage and I'm still resisting. I'll make it, I have the Whitey Album to keep me happy!

HairwayToSteven 04.13.2006 10:50 AM

I think it'd be interesting to have a member of the band come on here and comment about this.

Inhuman 04.13.2006 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by HairwayToSteven
I think it'd be interesting to have a member of the band come on here and comment about this.

That would be really neat to hear their opinions. It would probably stir things up a little bit too.

chabib 04.13.2006 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by HairwayToSteven
I think it'd be interesting to have a member of the band come on here and comment about this.

i discussed it with them after nurse leaked. i'm relatively certain that their thoughts an the issue are extremely similar, if not exactly the same. the quality issue bummed them out, as did the lack of context.

even with tape-trading, which people keep bringing up, at least the physical original item exists somewhere for you to go check out. that's simply not the case with something leaked 2 months before the physical item exists.

really bad form...

next step 04.13.2006 12:27 PM

I'm agree with you Chris but the fact is that it's already shared online as everything. some my friends already have dled all it and I have listened just a couple of songs. so why not to put a preview online in streaming as the mixtape thing?

chabib 04.13.2006 12:30 PM

if the band wants to do it, they'll do it. it's their music.

pao-lino 04.13.2006 12:39 PM

I repeat the question (maybe it has already been answered, but haven't find it.)
how can someone leak the album?
Who could do that?
is it you, chabib? :)))

next step 04.13.2006 12:41 PM

Hi Paolo! I think it happens mainly from promo.

shitstain 04.13.2006 12:48 PM

as if the sound quality of rather ripped isnt going to make it awful

Inhuman 04.13.2006 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by pao-lino
I repeat the question (maybe it has already been answered, but haven't find it.)
how can someone leak the album?
Who could do that?
is it you, chabib? :)))

haha, no way is it chris. Firstly, he's against it, secondly, If SY don't want it out, he wouldn't put it out anyway because it's his job and I don't think SY would be too pleased!

Sn@ke 04.13.2006 12:52 PM


chabib 04.13.2006 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by shitstain
as if the sound quality of rather ripped isnt going to make it awful

i've addressed this already. all that exists is a shitty rip online.the band spent half a year working on the record. if all that exists is this crappy rip, and it's what people are listening to and discussing, why should the band have spent any time on the record at all--let alone six months of recording and mixing.

why should any band bother if yr all just happy listening to crap anyway?

Inhuman 04.13.2006 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sn@ke

woops, my bad. Sometime it can be hard to tell over the net

Ich bin gael 04.13.2006 12:57 PM

I think the whole "download/listen/burn/delete" culture has caused me to burn out on music in a big way. It's just so overwhelming, and it really makes the music loose it's value, in my opinion. When you can get in in 3 seconds it just ins't as special anymore... the 2 month wait, the drive to the record store at midnight on release that, all of that is becoming obsolete, and that's quite a shame. I mean, let's put this into perspective: last year I bough around 150 albums or so (I have no job, mind you). This yeah, to this day I've bought none. I plan on buying Rather Ripper and a few others, but yeha :( Last year, I remember distinctly, within a 1 month period 75% of the albums I was looking forward to leaked. It's insane man.

So I'm taking a "break" (though I still listen to lots of music every day), and re-evaluating the way I listen to music. I've been a hypocrite in some ways. I hardly download leaks anymore, so that's one step in the right direction..

That's not to say that downloading is bad, so please don't get me wrong. it's a great way to find new music. But I feel people have misused it a great deal, and have begun to eat away at music culture, as well as the value that music has in general.

silverfreepress (sdasher) 04.13.2006 12:58 PM

The issue is interesting. I'm guessing the leak came from someone getting a review copy and putting it online. How many review copies have gone out domestically 250-500? And it only takes one person to spend 5minutes and its online.
A band spends hundreds of hours coming up with ideas, the recording process, post production, tweeks and artwork. Then setting up a release date with the label only to have it pop up for free on a superhighway.
I think its unavoidable. Unless you refuse to distrubute review cd's which might have a more damaging effect on sales than pre sale internet distrubution. I mean Eminem would have critics come in to listening stations. Perhaps only vinyl preview copies would limit the rip offs. I don't know.
Whatever the case posting the album for download on the bands site is wack. Its taking control of the bands art and deciding to make your own official release. Like here it is, enjoy. I didn't have anything to do with the process except the supply, lap it up.
The writer of the Harry Potter books, JK Rowling, does an amazing job of keeping her work secret, something so many people clamor for and its completly hidden until she wants the lid off, so its not impossible.
But people saying music is music so its free for you and me? You can't walk into Schwinn and drive off with one of their proto types and not expect people to cry thief.

shitstain 04.13.2006 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by chabib
i've addressed this already. all that exists is a shitty rip online.the band spent half a year working on the record. if all that exists is this crappy rip, and it's what people are listening to and discussing, why should the band have spent any time on the record at all--let alone six months of recording and mixing.

why should any band bother if yr all just happy listening to crap anyway?

how am i supposed to listen to music?

i think if an album is good, it will be good despite how you record it. if people hear the leaked version and like it, then it would be wise of them to get a better version of it for more intense listening. like how all the people do with pet sounds, hah.

what is better, listening to the shitty rip and getting a sense of whether i should buy it? or buying it blindly and not knowing if i will even like it? at this point, those seem to be the only two options, and i would say that even tho the sound quality isnt as good as the album quality, it is a good way of finding out if i want to go further into it or not.

maybe sonic youth could leak a high quality version, if that's what is important... maybe make the masters available

val-holla-ing 04.13.2006 01:05 PM

it's so much more rewarding to just wait for an album to come out, i find. i didn't get the leak of "the woods" or "the greatest" and i'm really glad i did, because dancing around the music and being generally pleased was worth it.

dark globe 04.13.2006 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ich bin gael
I think the whole "download/listen/burn/delete" culture has caused me to burn out on music in a big way. It's just so overwhelming, and it really makes the music loose it's value, in my opinion. When you can get in in 3 seconds it just ins't as special anymore... the 2 month wait, the drive to the record store at midnight on release that, all of that is becoming obsolete, and that's quite a shame. I mean, let's put this into perspective: last year I bough around 150 albums or so (I have no job, mind you). This yeah, to this day I've bought none. I plan on buying Rather Ripper and a few others, but yeha :( Last year, I remember distinctly, within a 1 month period 75% of the albums I was looking forward to leaked. It's insane man.

So I'm taking a "break" (though I still listen to lots of music every day), and re-evaluating the way I listen to music. I've been a hypocrite in some ways. I hardly download leaks anymore, so that's one step in the right direction..

That's not to say that downloading is bad, so please don't get me wrong. it's a great way to find new music. But I feel people have misused it a great deal, and have begun to eat away at music culture, as well as the value that music has in general.

im the same sort of, havnt bought any new cd's for a long time time now, but to me, i dunno, its more of a quality thing.
there just doesnt seem to be that much music i like anymore, record companies are too happy selling crap, which is based on fads, gimmicks and hype.
not sure if alot of you heard of arctiv monkeys, but these are my current fave band to use as an example.
hailed as revolutionary in the way their PR manager has used MySpace, hailed as amazing by a press with nothing else to write about, but musically crap.
theres very few bands whose upcoming records get me excited now, radiohead, spiritualized, massive attack, SY.....
yet the industry blames downloading and sharing, and i think the industry needs to look at itself and realise it needs to nurture and love good original music regardless of hype/sales/whatever......

val-holla-ing 04.13.2006 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by shitstain
how am i supposed to listen to music?

i think if an album is good, it will be good despite how you record it. if people hear the leaked version and like it, then it would be wise of them to get a better version of it for more intense listening. like how all the people do with pet sounds, hah.

not true. just go listent to ariel pink to see how much recording quality matters. many good songs have been killed by shitty recording.


what is better, listening to the shitty rip and getting a sense of whether i should buy it? or buying it blindly and not knowing if i will even like it? at this point, those seem to be the only two options, and i would say that even tho the sound quality isnt as good as the album quality, it is a good way of finding out if i want to go further into it or not.

that's what singles are for, champ. i hardly believe that SY are going to put out the new album without having a track or two up on the website for listening pleasure.

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