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atari 2600 08.08.2007 11:34 AM

Well, "master of yr ass" had too many unpleasant connotations.

Later, jokerheads.

max 08.08.2007 11:36 AM

amazing. he once neg repped me on a 2 years old post. he stated i "misunderstood him". all this after a nice chat we had about me just about to visit Chicago and all. WTF?

i have a visual explanation tho.


sellouteater 08.08.2007 11:42 AM

mazing, it all makes sense now

floatingslowly 08.08.2007 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600

not so much.

Higgs boson


The initial point of emergence (the "Big Bang") of an energized but gravitationally balanced mix of metric spacetime and symmetric, elementary, "leptonic" particle-antiparticle pairs of total energy and charge = 0 ("Yin-Yang" symmetry), derives its energy from the symmetry loss occasioned by its separation from the Multiverse. The Multiverse is the ultimate symmetry condition of unmanifest, undefined, yet energetic reality; the lower symmetry of our Cosmos is due to the specification of its "life-friendly" physical constants. This initial, energized but balanced state (H3 Planck Era) is entropically unstable and decays (symmetrically) to the H2 Leptoquark Era, then (asymmetrically) to the H1 Hyperon Era, and finally (mostly symmetrically) to the E/M ground state (Atomic Era) we currently occupy. Each state (except the ground state) is scaled by a Higgs boson and transformed to the next lower state by its own family of IVBs, representative of the energy density of that state. The ground state is scaled by the spacetime metric and the electromagnetic constant c, and other "given" physical constants such as G, e, and h. The whole cascade decay is driven by entropy (the expansion and cooling of the Cosmos) and the intrinsic motion of light (initially contained within the metric as an expansive, entropic pressure). The cascade in all its stages is regulated by energy and symmetry conservation.

Einstein-Rosen Bridge


The relativistic description of black holes requires wormholes at their centers. These wormholes, called Einstein-Rosen bridges after Einstein and his collaborator Nathan Rosen, seem to connect the center of a black hole with a mirror universe on the "other side" of spacetime. At first, the bridge was considered a mathematical oddity, but nothing more. It was essential for the internal consistency of the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein's equations, which was the first relativistic solution involving black holes. However, the wormhole could not be traversed because the center of a black hole is a singularity, a point of infinite spacetime curvature, where the gravity would also be infinite and all matter would be crushed to its most fundamental constituents. Additionally, travel through the wormhole would require motion faster than the speed of light, a physical impossibility. For these reasons, Einstein-Rosen bridges were quickly forgotten despite other later solutions that included them. They were assumed to be mathematical oddities that had no bearing on physical reality.

In 1963, Roy Kerr devised the famous Kerr solution to Einstein's equations, a more realistic description of black holes than the original Schwarzschild solution. Kerr assumed the star that would form the black hole to be rotating and found that it would not eventually collapse to a point, but rather to a ring. When approaching the ride from the side, gravity and spacetime curvature are both still infinite, so matter is again inevitably destroyed. However, traveling through the ring would result in large but finite gravity. An object that does so and avoids being crushed by the still-formidable gravity can enter the Einstein-Rosen bridge and gain access to the mirror universe.

alien visitors: unprobable

(apparent) FTL capability: theoretically possible

floatingslowly 08.08.2007 11:48 AM

neg rep won't kill you.

don't get yr collective panties in a bunch!

mangajunky 08.08.2007 12:54 PM

My friend Peter Robbins co-wrote Left at East Gate - so I've gone drinking with a few people involved in UFO research here and there.

I personally have never seen anything.
But I dig these really cool drone pictures:


I've read that these drone pics, which are everywhere, are just an elaborate viral campaign for the new Halo game on the XBox.

max 08.08.2007 01:09 PM

Those are the CORAT drones I was talkin about! and yeah, that is what I heard too, actually I have seen it on a youtube post. If that was true - if a videogame promo stunt was asctually taking advance of all those UFO websites around the globe to sell more, and this actually becomes confirmed... well. that really will mean many of those websites will either be seriously pissed off or havee to take down their accounts.

one thing is for sure - if it's a fake, whoever did it has to have a LOT of money.

demonrail666 08.08.2007 06:31 PM

Have any of you read William Gibson's short story 'The Gernsback Continuum'. It's a while since I looked at it but it seems to suggest that people visualise 'UFO's that they've apparantly seen in relation to the technology of their time and place. For example he mentions a guy from an early part of the century describing what looked like a giant 'paddle steamer'.

The popular rise since the 50s of aerodynamic design makes the 'cigar' shape, or the disc, all the more likely. Because WE think of those things as futuristic, that's the technology we envisage other life-forms using.

Anyway, can't remember the details but an interesting short story.

tesla69 08.08.2007 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Yeah, Cooper is a real prophet by clueing us in that our current technology is all from fucking aliens from the fucking Betelgeuse "Beetlejuice" haha system, no less. What a fucking redneck schizophrenic..

you do know the cops executed Cooper on his front porch a couple years back?

tesla69 08.08.2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Have any of you read William Gibson's short story 'The Gernsback Continuum'. It's a while since I looked at it but it seems to suggest that people visualise 'UFO's that they've apparantly seen in relation to the technology of their time and place..

I think he might've taken that idea from Vallee.

In the Bible its angels and flaming chariots.

I suspect we're in Iraq to recover some kind of alien technology. "They" built that huge wall around the Pyramids to hide when they recover the alien technology hidden under the Sphnix.

floatingslowly 08.09.2007 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I suspect we're in Iraq to recover some kind of alien technology.

and they will never find it (I've hidden it too well).

thieving amerikkkan bastards! how am I supposed to get home if you succeed??

atari 2600 08.09.2007 10:58 AM

A lot of Bill Cooper's conspiracy theory talk & text was filled with subversive half-truth (it isn't all bad, though who doesn't know about New World Order and the PNAC?) which may have been deemed dangerous by our government. He also is a minor contemporary counter-culture figure and Behold A Pale Horse is seemingly required reading for townie psuedointellectuals. You can toss Robert Anton Wilson into that heap as well. At least the Church of the SubGenius is a joke, so it's not so ridiculous.

I wouldn't doubt that the CIA and FBI had files on Cooper. It seems they did fuck with him about a lesser crimes like misrepresenting himself on a bank loan application. Moreover, he never paid income taxes. Worst of all, Cooper developed a criminal pattern of acquiring weapons and assualt charges and had involvement with militia groups. Perhaps this (being a straight-up redneck, the schizophrenic label is apt to anyone who reads his work or listens to him speak) led to his end.

Funny thing about your post too, tesla69, is that I was wondering when some crackpot would get on here and write about aliens building the pyramids. Oh, and thanks for throwing in that laugh riot about why were really in the Iraq war right recover alien artifacts...haha...priceless.

mellonmellow 08.09.2007 11:06 AM

People still believe in UFO's? That's so 2001.

atari 2600 08.09.2007 11:15 AM

In the 1990s Cooper's interest moved from UFOs, to covert government programs, and finally to the militia movement.

He concluded that all UFO reports were New World Order propaganda.

ed. What a flip-flopper! haha. And Cooper seemed so certain before. He even names the alien leaader and tells which galactic system their alien race comes from! haha.
Cooper quote:
in 1954 "His Omnipotent Highness Krlll"—leader of a species living on a planet orbiting Betelgeuse—appeared on earth and suggested a treaty: The aliens would abduct humans and wipe their memories of the event in exchange for sharing their technology. U.S. officials feared the aliens' superior technology, and felt they had no choice but to accept the conditions offered by the aliens.

By 1998 Cooper was living in Arizona. There were warrants for his arrest on charges of tax evasion and bank fraud. Cooper said he would meet with armed resistance any attempt to execute what he saw as "unlawful warrants." Later a warrant was issued for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, following a dispute with a local man.[7] According to Commander X, in March of 1999 Cooper sent his family out of the United States for their security. He lived and worked alone with his two dogs, one rooster, and one chicken until his death in 2001.[6] In July and September 2001, Cooper was accused of using a handgun to threaten passersby near his home in Eagar, Arizona.
The circumstances surrounding Cooper's death are controversial. On November 5, 2001, officers of the Apache County Sheriff's Office decided to serve Cooper a warrant based on the above-mentioned charges. For reasons not explained, the Sheriff's Office sent deputies to Cooper's home at approximately 11:00PM,

and instead of knocking on his door and announcing themselves, the deputies attempted to lure Cooper from his house by posing as civilians playing loud music on or near his property.

Cooper, who was an above the knee amputee, went down to investigate the scene in his truck. It is disputed as to whether the deputies identified themselves or tried to serve an arrest warrant at that time. Nevertheless, Cooper announced he was returning to his house to contact the Eagar Police Department, either to verify the warrant or to contact the local authorities in order to report what he may have still believed was a real disturbance. Before he could do so however, the sheriff's deputies tried to apprehend him, at which point shooting began. Cooper was armed and one deputy was wounded. Another deputy returned fire, killing Cooper.

They above just sounds like typical bad policework to me, and most likely due to the fact that the officers were just plain afraid of getting shot by the ornery old coot. Hmm, I didn't see the part, according to your account, about his dying on his porch.

floatingslowly 08.09.2007 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
He lived and worked alone with his two dogs, one rooster, and one chicken until his death in 2001.

I laughed.

I wonder if the the dogs, cock and chicken recieved any royalties from their collaborative writings.

PS: everyone knows that aliens come from Zeta 1 Reticuli.

tesla69 08.10.2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
SNIP. Another deputy returned fire, killing Cooper.


ah yes you posted the approved story from CIApedia.

It may all be bullshit but its much more interesting than anything you've ever said.

atari 2600 08.11.2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
ah yes you posted the approved story from CIApedia.

It may all be bullshit but its much more interesting than anything you've ever said.

The last time I checked, I was writing, not speaking.
And it seems fairly predictable that you would, in fact, just slam the source as being unreliable.

Wiki is a dot org; don't be a pinhead. And the listing plainly states that "the circumstances surrounding Cooper's death are controversial."

Oh, here's the link to contact the author of the listing so you can accuse them of being CIA: ry

Maybe you can write Wikipedia directly to let them know that you are a crusader against their organization for being a puppet of the CIA:

Or perhaps you'd rather take your contention up with the Apache County Sheriff's Department.

At any rate, here's a picture of your late prophet to worship:


Milton William "Bill" Cooper

And, before I forget, let me heartily deride your sensibilities for underming Democrats and Independents by striving to spread psuedoresearch and for lending creedence to right wing labels like "the loony left." You're not all that much different than the extremist right wing nutcases on the other side, and your talk show hosts, websites, word-of-mouth-in-a-bar kook-based media is not any better at getting it right than FOXnews, or The Rush Limbaugh Show.

tesla69 08.11.2007 09:56 PM

[quote=atari 2600]The last time I checked, I was writing, not speaking.
wow dude you are so profound. we're impressed. thanks for the that moment of clarity.

if there is one thing you do really well here is kill any dialouge and enforce the State Sanctioned Stories.

atari 2600 08.12.2007 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
if there is one thing you do really well here is kill any dialouge and enforce the State Sanctioned Stories.

Quite the contrary, I try to apprehend the truth of the matter. Remember, I'm someone that can understand that there is no unresolvable ideological conflict between the theories of creationism and evolution. And germane to this "discussion" I can comprehend that both the political left and right have their own extremists. As was made clear earlier, you represent part of the left that unfortunately lends creedence to right wing labels like "the loony left." You believe in aliens building the pyramids, that we are actually in Iraq to lay claim to precious alien artifacts, and countless other loose notions based on nothing more than the regurgitation of psuedoresearch. Ideas which, (& this is the best case) are put forth by charlatans.

Is there no limit to how much you'll disrespect the truth with your cockeyed madness?

Hebrew slaves built the pyramids and there is still scholarly debate as to how exactly they were engineered. Your pyramids explanation is, therefore, decidedly anti-semitic and anti-scientific. Maybe that's where your fundamental disrespect of Einstein comes in too, I don't know.
And there are many other reasons to write about, but we're over in Iraq mainly because certain vested interests want to make and skim a lot of money and were able to mislead the American public as to the moral reasons we invaded.
And no, these are not, as you put it, "State Sanctioned Stories" and we're not there, as you explained, to unearth some invaluable alien technology.

So whereas you throw up that I'm presenting "State Sanctioned Stories" (apparently now I'm a CIA too haha just like Wikipedia), you, however, have been duped on many levels. You're being played by counterintelligence disinformation every day by your aforementioned (see last post) news media of choice (loony left talk show hosts, websites, etc.). You've been duped into believing a whole array of gobbledegook, and, in the process, you are quite simply one of those people that give the left a bad name.

Go start your own fringe party like the UFO or Vampire party, or more apropos perhaps, the Nihilist (haha) party, please, if you continue to refuse to return to any coherence.
But I suppose you'll answer that you don't believe in the political system or political parties at all anyway. Well, I suppose you may be one of those deranged militia people then because how else are you going to hope for a better future? Yeah, I know, life's tough and things are certainly fucked-up, and, you're right, the system is indeed corrupt and rotten to the core. Your instincts are very keen on that note. The only solution I see is that somehow we collectively drop all the histrionics. There has to be more public awareness and unity of action concerning our own ultimate rights as the electorate. We need a constitutional amendment to eliminate repeat terms of office and the system will be on its way to repair and career politicians will be a thing of the past.

The people of every country are the only safe guardians of their
own rights, and are the only instruments which can be used for
their destruction. And certainly they would never consent to be so
used were they not deceived. To avoid this they should be
instructed to a certain degree. - Thomas Jefferson to John Wyche,

The most effectual means of preventing the perversion of power
into tyranny are to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds
of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge
of those facts which history exhibits, that possessed thereby of
the experience of other ages and countries, they may be enabled to
know ambition under all its shapes, and prompt to exert their
natural powers to defeat its purposes.
- Thomas Jefferson
Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779.

The general spread of the light of science has already laid open
to every view the palpable truth that the mass of mankind has not
been born with saddles on their backs, nor are a favored few, booted
and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately by the grace of God.
- Thomas Jefferson to Roger C. Weightman, 1826.

max 08.12.2007 08:36 PM

you really do not get the point, atari dude. you come here with your fuckface approach to whatever goes by, pretending to be the one in charge, the one with definitive words. what is coherence to you? addressing people with sentences like "doctor of yr ass" and then yelling around Stop trying to start shit?

is that the coherence you're ranting about?

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