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jennthebenn 06.17.2007 08:07 PM

within, lee takes on members of awesome color (among others) in go-kart
madness fite fite fite.

Danny Himself 06.17.2007 08:11 PM

Oh my.

Stanton gots a flickr!


SYphilis 06.17.2007 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Iain
I won't be buying it. But largely because I will have everything on it already bar the exclusive track which, if Rather Ripped is anything to go by, will be shit.

"Ooooh, I'm so indie and shit!!!!11 I can't stand Rather Ripped because it was poppy and sounded commercially appealing!!!111 And Starbucks?! Support local coffee you sellouts!!!111"

I, for one, am excited if it's true. If a unique venture such as this presents them with 100 more fans, then it's worth it for them.

Get over yourselves.

sarramkrop 06.17.2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by SYphilis
"Ooooh, I'm so indie and shit!!!!11 I can't stand Rather Ripped because it was poppy and sounded commercially appealing!!!111 And Starbucks?! Support local coffee you sellouts!!!111"


What's indie about thinking that Rather Shite is shite? It is shite, heliumhead.

Alex's Trip 06.18.2007 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
What's indie about thinking that Rather Shite is shite? It is shite, heliumhead.

I don't think he was referring to the quality of Rather Ripped, but to the criticism of Rather Ripped itself, which was more or less unnecessary.

Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Wipe your big fat indie tears off your faces. Music is sold like any other product, so what difference does it make if it's sold in Starbucks or Topshop? The problem is its quality, rather than the outlet.

Most sensible thing in the entire thread.

l'voyeur 06.18.2007 01:37 AM

This "joke" appear be real ...

"The album will presumably be released on Starbucks' newly minted Hear Music label, which recently had a coup with Paul McCartney's new album 'Memory Almost Full' debuting at number 3 on the Billboard Top 200. "

"Notoriously DIY, it's a surprise for Sonic Youth to aligning themselves with the equally-notoriously capitalist Starbucks, who now have over 7,500 outlets in over 40 countries."

pbradley 06.18.2007 01:40 AM

Yeah, Starbucks doesn't even sell coffee. They sell fucking cream shit that tastes like vanilla or white chocolate or whatever. But I'm not going to act superior, I applied for a job there once. Cunts didn't call me back for my second interview.

But for the SY compilation, I'm not all that butt hurt. Kind of weird that SY think their fan base partonize Starbucks and ditto for Starbucks. But whatever though...

SynthethicalY 06.18.2007 01:43 AM

Just as long as it is better than Paul McCartney's album.

sarramkrop 06.18.2007 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by sonikjuice
Who cares if their music is sold at Starbucks. If they sold their songs to TV commercials that would compromise the music (can anyone listen to Led Zepplin's "Rock n' Roll" without cringing now?); but allowing people to buy a CD when they walk into a coffee shop isn't a big deal. Sometimes I wonder whether people on this board actually like SY's music or just think that it's cool to say they like them.

And you, young man, explain to us what you mean by this. If you mean that there would be more chances of hearing the same song over and over again because it was on a tv commercial, that would be one thing. But the fact that it could be a 'good song' on a tv commercial wouldn't compromise anything. Music is as much commerce as it's fun, so no need to be all romantic about it, you're very likely to get let down many times over, if you do.

Iain 06.18.2007 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by SYphilis
"Ooooh, I'm so indie and shit!!!!11 I can't stand Rather Ripped because it was poppy and sounded commercially appealing!!!111 And Starbucks?! Support local coffee you sellouts!!!111"

I, for one, am excited if it's true. If a unique venture such as this presents them with 100 more fans, then it's worth it for them.

Get over yourselves.

Apologies if I thought Rather Ripped was a poor album. I suppose I should have said I liked so as not to appear too indie for you should I?

dionysusundone 06.18.2007 07:20 AM

When's pitchfork going to run that Thurston interview? I'm an impatient bitch, c'mon, shitfork, it's nearly 8 30 monday morning already! fucking slackers.

Miss Pornstar 06.18.2007 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by dionysusundone
When's pitchfork going to run that Thurston interview? I'm an impatient bitch, c'mon, shitfork, it's nearly 8 30 monday morning already! fucking slackers.

They've been too busy with the "breaking" news of Go Team's signing to Geffen :rolleyes:

noisereductions 06.18.2007 07:43 AM

What's the difference where they sell it? It's basically a greatest hits album, which would be fine if it picks up where SCREAMING FIELDS leaves off. If for some reason it bothers you that you can buy it at Starbucks, then don't buy it.

sellouteater 06.18.2007 08:58 AM

sellouts!! sellouts!! (crying noise) i'll never listen to you again

Miss Pornstar 06.18.2007 09:30 AM

Guess this sounds semi-official by now but seriously, is pitchfork taking the piss??? No update on the story yet when they'd have usually posted today's news.

sonikjuice 06.18.2007 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
And you, young man, explain to us what you mean by this. If you mean that there would be more chances of hearing the same song over and over again because it was on a tv commercial, that would be one thing. But the fact that it could be a 'good song' on a tv commercial wouldn't compromise anything. Music is as much commerce as it's fun, so no need to be all romantic about it, you're very likely to get let down many times over, if you do.

What I mean, old man, is that hearing a song over and over on TV ruins my listening experience when I listen to it on CD/record. I often picture the commerical when listening to the song, rather than the abstract stuff I used to envision prior to the song being in a commercial. It also makes a difference what type of product the song is being used for (car, fast food joint, cruise, etc...) Here are some examples of songs that have been forever ruined because of use in commercials: Lust for Life, Rock n' Roll, Blister in the Sun, every Who song. Some songs, such as Perfect Day (used in an NFL commercial), have not been ruined for me probably because they were used in good taste.

!@#$%! 06.18.2007 12:18 PM


is what i've spotted in this thread.

sure i haven't read everything in detail, but who could?

starbucks rules-- i don't even drink coffee these days, but you had to be alive in the early 90's to know that all coffee available in this country was PISS.

that is, until starbucks came on to the scene.

all those "independent coffee shops" that people tout were latecomers, trying to ride on the tailcoats of the success of starbucks.


starbucks pays benefits, offer scholarships, and offer other perks to its employees. i know people who used to work for starbucks & they enjoyed it.

"independent coffee shops" offer no security for its employees, no benefits, and most pay minimum wage and some get treated like shit and have no recourse-- i also have a friend who used to practically RUN a coffee shop in dc and one day the girlfriend of the owner took over & she was summarily kicked out.

the only "crime" that i'm aware of starbucks committed is to be successful at what they do. of course every contrarian hipster will cry "nooooo!" whenever something finds success. we prefer patronizing the place with the cockroaches, right? even when they pay misery wages.

now as i said before i don't even drink coffee anymore and i think that people could spend their money in something better, but if you need a good reliable cup of coffee, where else are you gonna go in, say, oklahoma? (maybe floatingslowly can answer that, but i stop at the starbucks in macarthur ave. and i-40).

if you want to cry about starbucks go drink coffee at macdonalds and dunkin donuts, bitches. because that's all there was before.

about selling music-- i hope they make a lot of money. coco's college is not going to be cheap.

Rob Instigator 06.18.2007 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by sonikjuice
Who cares if their music is sold at Starbucks. If they sold their songs to TV commercials that would compromise the music (can anyone listen to Led Zepplin's "Rock n' Roll" without cringing now?); but allowing people to buy a CD when they walk into a coffee shop isn't a big deal. Sometimes I wonder whether people on this board actually like SY's music or just think that it's cool to say they like them.

100% in agreement
I too cannot listen to rock n roll anymore, and I fucking loved that song.

Washing Machine 06.18.2007 12:26 PM

I agree !@#$%!

Say what you like about Starbucks they make great coffee (There is in Cardiff one nicier independent one, but this is usually rare) and from what I can tell the company operates in an extremely ethical manner (if you have any infomation to the contary i will take it back).

But like I said I rather pop in the Pub and have a pint of Brains Dark...

Rob Instigator 06.18.2007 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Ibold
i tried to convince them not to do it, i was like guys its a bad idea, but they just said "hey mark you're not even a proper member of this band".


Rob Instigator 06.18.2007 12:34 PM

what all the freakouts do not seem to understand is tht sonic youth is at th end of their contract with geffen. they have not re-signed to them. they will be putti ng out their music themselves, funding the tyours themselves, etc. that manes they have to pay the crew, the roadies, the drivers, the techs, all out of their pocket, no to mention a manager to book shows and all the shit that comes along with touring such a fucking awesome band.

geffen is not going to give them a fat chuink of money when they leave, like some sort of severance package. whatever sonic youth want to do now has to be self-funded.
starbucks, like !@#$! said, is a business that has gown wildly beyond the dreams of it's seattle native starters. before starbucks there were NO coffee shops in the USA. all you had was la madeleine, or some sort of specialty cofee place at the malls.
there was NO coffee shop culture in the usa. because of starbucks,a nd their success, they have created a market, and created a new business model and created a desire for good coffee, not that fucking drip shit they sell at denny's.
before starbucks you ahd to go to a fine restaurant to get a decent latte or capuccino.

long live sonic youth and RATHER RIPPED RULES!!!!!!

scott v 06.18.2007 12:35 PM

[quote=!@#$%!]A LOAD OF ASS...etc


anyways to add, eventhough I'm not a Starbucks fan as a corporate chain GIANT in coffeeshops (I also personally don't like coffee, which doesn't help...) you should know and keep in mind that they are the world's premier GREEN Corporation...
I'm suprised that nobody here has mentioned that i guess not many of us listen to NPR but Starbucks has done so much to become a environmentally safe and future funding corporation more so than any other corporation/compnay or LLC or whatever you wan to call them all... they have made HUGE STRIDES and this is coming from their top management to do things to help the world and the future generations that must live here.
educate yourself on this subject please before you rant and rave about how much they SUCK! do you recycle as much as you can????

so if dislike them thats fine as you forget their many other things to hate in this world...

Magic Wheel Memory 06.18.2007 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
Hardly a "coffee shop". It's a fucking corporation. It ruins small, independently owned businesses. And not to mention the coffee is fucking horrible.

Yes, of course the coffee is horrible. That's why the place is so popular, despite their high prices. All their customers are just too stupid to know that other places sell cheaper, un-horrible coffee.

My family used to own a mom and pop store that was ruined by chain stores and shopping malls. But you know what? We didn't whine about it. The consumer has a right to choose.

Give Starbucks credit. They gave people something great, and they're successful because of it. What do people have against success, anyway?

!@#$%! 06.18.2007 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by scott v

anyways to add, eventhough I'm not a Starbucks fan as a corporate chain GIANT in coffeeshops (I also personally don't like coffee, which doesn't help...) you should know and keep in mind that they are the world's premier GREEN Corporation...
I'm suprised that nobody here has mentioned that i guess not many of us listen to NPR but Starbucks has done so much to become a environmentally safe and future funding corporation more so than any other corporation/compnay or LLC or whatever you wan to call them all... they have made HUGE STRIDES and this is coming from their top management to do things to help the world and the future generations that must live here.
educate yourself on this subject please before you rant and rave about how much they SUCK! do you recycle as much as you can????

so if dislike them thats fine as you forget their many other things to hate in this world...

yes they also sell fair traded coffee which is good for farmers-- i'd rather have MILLIONS of pounds of fair traded coffee sold than ony a few in some obscure shop where only snobs buy. if you think folgers is so awesome for the world, think again.


Originally Posted by Magic Wheel Memory
Yes, of course the coffee is horrible. That's why the place is so popular, despite their high prices. All their customers are just too stupid to know that other places sell cheaper, un-horrible coffee.

My family used to own a mom and pop store that was ruined by chain stores and shopping malls. But you know what? We didn't whine about it. The consumer has a right to choose.

Give Starbucks credit. They gave people something great, and they're successful because of it. What do people have against success, anyway?

very lucid and articulate-- repped.

pantophobia 06.18.2007 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

is what i've spotted in this thread.

sure i haven't read everything in detail, but who could?

starbucks rules-- i don't even drink coffee these days, but you had to be alive in the early 90's to know that all coffee available in this country was PISS.

that is, until starbucks came on to the scene.

all those "independent coffee shops" that people tout were latecomers, trying to ride on the tailcoats of the success of starbucks.


starbucks pays benefits, offer scholarships, and offer other perks to its employees. i know people who used to work for starbucks & they enjoyed it.

"independent coffee shops" offer no security for its employees, no benefits, and most pay minimum wage and some get treated like shit and have no recourse-- i also have a friend who used to practically RUN a coffee shop in dc and one day the girlfriend of the owner took over & she was summarily kicked out.

the only "crime" that i'm aware of starbucks committed is to be successful at what they do. of course every contrarian hipster will cry "nooooo!" whenever something finds success. we prefer patronizing the place with the cockroaches, right? even when they pay misery wages.

now as i said before i don't even drink coffee anymore and i think that people could spend their money in something better, but if you need a good reliable cup of coffee, where else are you gonna go in, say, oklahoma? (maybe floatingslowly can answer that, but i stop at the starbucks in macarthur ave. and i-40).

if you want to cry about starbucks go drink coffee at macdonalds and dunkin donuts, bitches. because that's all there was before.

about selling music-- i hope they make a lot of money. coco's college is not going to be cheap.

maybe one of the best posts i have ever seen you post, that really picked up my day, freeze dried robusta bean coffee is some of the worst stuff on the planet, when starbucks came out people finally started getting the good arabica bean flavor that was sorely needed

about the "little guy" also, last time i walked around Seattle, there were more independent coffee shops then there were even starbucks, and yes starbucks is the reason why many of those little shops exist now, anything before them was a shop where they sold cheap black engine grease for labor workers and all-night shifters

i have been getting the feeling while outside of the musical opinion of their output on this thing will be, that most people don't want sonic youth to be sold in a store like that? so you don't want people to find out about sonics? maybe improve their musical tastes? i..

anyway, as sway said, and Jenn and i noticed down in humid as an ass-lanta, Lee was coming out of a starbucks when they could have gone to one of those little shops, and it's not the only time i have seen him hanging around starbucks, if there is any member you'd want to ask about it, it would be him

Everyneurotic 06.18.2007 01:14 PM

i really feel sorry for you unitedstateians.

starbucks did break a lot of people's mentality towards coffee over there, introducing it as more than just black stuff you got for a nickel.

still, wah wah, i hate sonic youth, thurston will contribute a song for a forthcoming nra compilation, it will be a collaboration with ted nugent.

(but seriously, wouldn't it be awesome having thurston feedback and skronk while the nuge shredded away?)

sarramkrop 06.18.2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by sonikjuice
What I mean, old man, is that hearing a song over and over on TV ruins my listening experience when I listen to it on CD/record. I often picture the commerical when listening to the song, rather than the abstract stuff I used to envision prior to the song being in a commercial. It also makes a difference what type of product the song is being used for (car, fast food joint, cruise, etc...) Here are some examples of songs that have been forever ruined because of use in commercials: Lust for Life, Rock n' Roll, Blister in the Sun, every Who song. Some songs, such as Perfect Day (used in an NFL commercial), have not been ruined for me probably because they were used in good taste.

That's obviously because your imagination doesn't run wild to start with. If you can't judge a song for what it is, regardless of the context that you listen to it in, it's more your problem rather than the song in question's. And, anyway, the great majority of the songs used on commercials are rubbish anyway, plus you always have the option of switching the tv off whenever the commercial comes up. Nobody forces you to not preserve whatever imagery you associate with it. It's your own choice, you ginger minge.

nick2767 06.18.2007 01:37 PM

Yes, Starbucks leads the other big coffee distributers in terms of ethical practice and social responsibility but it has used its muscle to stop ethiopian coffee farmers from trademarking their own brands of coffee which is thought to have stopped the country from earning an extra $88m a year in export earnings.

Ethiopina coffee farmers earn $1.10 per pound of coffee after deducting costs. Retailers can make $160 on a pound of coffee.

Starbucks' annual profits are around $8bn (£4bn), which is not too far off Ethiopia's Gross Domestic Product. So let's not get too carried away with the Starbucks love-in, eh?

sarramkrop 06.18.2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by nick2767
Yes, Starbucks leads the other big coffee distributers in terms of ethical practice and social responsibility but it has used its muscle to stop ethiopian coffee farmers from trademarking their own brands of coffee which is thought to have stopped the country from earning an extra $88m a year in export earnings.

Ethiopina coffee farmers earn $1.10 per pound of coffee after deducting costs. Retailers can make $160 on a pound of coffee.

Starbucks' annual profits are around $8bn (£4bn), which is not too far off Ethiopia's Gross Domestic Product. So let's not get too carried away with the Starbucks love-in, eh?

Which internet provider are you using at the moment?

nick2767 06.18.2007 02:13 PM

^ the relevance of the question being?

Georgekrz 06.18.2007 02:13 PM

$160 for a pound of coffee? must be some damn good coffee there...

sarramkrop 06.18.2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by nick2767
^ the relevance of the question being?

Answer the question first, then I'll lay the cards on the table.

nick2767 06.18.2007 02:25 PM

Haha, I can see where this is probably heading. I'm not on a personal moral crusade sarramkrop, just presenting some facts/thoughts to counter the postives stated above about the coffee company. The source, by the way, being the new film Black Gold, which recently opened.

cscales 06.18.2007 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Magic Wheel Memory
Yes, of course the coffee is horrible. That's why the place is so popular, despite their high prices. All their customers are just too stupid to know that other places sell cheaper, un-horrible coffee.

My family used to own a mom and pop store that was ruined by chain stores and shopping malls. But you know what? We didn't whine about it. The consumer has a right to choose.

Give Starbucks credit. They gave people something great, and they're successful because of it. What do people have against success, anyway?

Starbucks is to coffee what Kenny G is to jazz. The argument that popularity proves greatness just doesn't fly.
Then there is this :

As far as SY selling a CD exclusively at Starbucks, I'm not losing sleep over it. I am surprised and a little disappointed though. I own and operate a record shop. Exclusive releases suck for me, whether they are available at Best Buy or iTunes. Starbucks? They might as well have it in a counter display at McDonalds. This is a hits package with one new track. It really won't take any sales away from me. Still, the idea of it kind of sickens me.

BTW. I love McDonalds. They make a great burger. They must, just look at how popular they are.

sarramkrop 06.18.2007 02:36 PM

I don't know what the prices for a large latte are in the USA, but Starbucks doesn't have those 'high' prices in England, and I buy one of my first cups there almost every morning, regardless of the fact that we get free decent coffee at work. If a point about it all you haven't got, just don't make one.

Georgekrz 06.18.2007 03:03 PM

ok so wait a minute this makes sense, SY will be on Starbucks coffee label, I just heard the new Paul McCartney album was his best selling in 20 years. So maybe this thing is the sign of things to come.

oh yeah and when they release this thing, I hope they do the same think like with Paul, just play SY in-store for 1 week straight, come on you know thats got to put a smile on your face just to watch peoples reactions.

Rob Instigator 06.18.2007 03:22 PM

I want to go to the starbucks at lunch and hear sonic youth! downtown houston sonic youth!@ I will love it!

sonikjuice 06.18.2007 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
That's obviously because your imagination doesn't run wild to start with. If you can't judge a song for what it is, regardless of the context that you listen to it in, it's more your problem rather than the song in question's. And, anyway, the great majority of the songs used on commercials are rubbish anyway, plus you always have the option of switching the tv off whenever the commercial comes up. Nobody forces you to not preserve whatever imagery you associate with it. It's your own choice, you ginger minge.

Is it that obvious? Your entire post is a contradiction. You say my problem is that my imagination doesn't "run wild." Then later, you say its my "own choice" (coupled with an adolescent insult) as to what image I associate with a song. So, which is it?

The fact that a majority of songs used for commercials are rubbish is irrelevant to the topic. My initial point was that I have no problem with SY selling their music at Starbucks, but I would have somewhat of a problem if they did something that affected my personal listening experience. For example, if I repeatedly saw a McDonald's commercial with the 'Cross the Breeze playing in the background, my enjoyment of that song would eventually be diminished. I, like every other human, cannot always control the images that pop into my head.

Everyneurotic 06.18.2007 10:01 PM

bastards!!!! licencing their songs to the nra and having republicans pick their favorite sy songs.

assholes should ROT IN HELL!!!!!!

i mean, they should be giving ddn deluxe for free if you go to any store wearing a sy washing machine shirt!!

!@#$%! 06.19.2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by sonikjuice
The fact that a majority of songs used for commercials are rubbish is irrelevant to the topic. My initial point was that I have no problem with SY selling their music at Starbucks, but I would have somewhat of a problem if they did something that affected my personal listening experience. For example, if I repeatedly saw a McDonald's commercial with the 'Cross the Breeze playing in the background, my enjoyment of that song would eventually be diminished. I, like every other human, cannot always control the images that pop into my head.

that's why you gotta quit watching commercials, sonny.

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