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Bytor Peltor 09.27.2013 09:21 AM

Can't remember if it was "the hider" or Saul, but one of them talked about the house being RICO-ed (removing Skyler and the kids). They explained it had become sort of a tourist attraction, so law enforcement put a fence around the home to keep sightseers out.

This scene is from the very first episode for the last season. As he enters the home, there are skateboarders skating in in the backyard pool. I'm guessing a skate punk or sightseer spray painted "Heisenberg" on the wall.

Rob Instigator 09.27.2013 09:43 AM

the first scene was a flash-forward for sure. Ricin for everyone!

!@#$%! 09.27.2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the first scene was a flash-forward for sure. Ricin for everyone!


ricin pudding? yes?

Bytor Peltor 09.27.2013 03:08 PM

Eight Hardest 'Breaking Bad' Scenes to Score (with sound)

Magnets Bitch!

Breaking Bad Sadness

Everybody Hurts

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.27.2013 08:29 PM



Meanwhile, the Candy Lady in historic Old Town sells the popular Meth Candy – rock candy dyed blue to resemble the blue meth made on the show.

LifeDistortion 09.28.2013 02:22 PM


louder 09.28.2013 02:32 PM

the final episode is SO FUCKING CLOSE.

Nefeli 09.29.2013 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous


yeah, plain stupid and dangerous, yet a somewhat smart idea to make some money; just as our culture works.

on the other hand, at the same time, it can be ok to bring familiarity to forbitten, dangerous things. takes down the curiosity and taboo.

hey did any of you people who were born in the 70s, had as kids cigarette gums been sold around? how did it make you feel?

!@#$%! 09.29.2013 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
yeah, plain stupid and dangerous, yet a somewhat smart idea to make some money; just as our culture works.

on the other hand, at the same time, it can be ok to bring familiarity to forbitten, dangerous things. takes down the curiosity and taboo.

hey did any of you people who were born in the 70s, had as kids cigarette gums been sold around? how did it make you feel?

oh no no, you've been mislead by suchy-poo's misinformation--- the candy lady is not getting on any bandwagon, she is the actual maker of the original prop, i.e., she was asked to create it for the show by the production team (who gets 25% state rebates for buying here instead of california). she is in a way the real heisenberg, ha ha ha. this is her product first.

as for the implications--- i don't know. BB certainly doesn't glorify meth use! those tweakers are extremely ugly.

Nefeli 09.29.2013 07:50 AM

oh ok. i thought she was making it for tourists etc.
and of course the show isnt glorifying meth use.

!@#$%! 09.29.2013 08:00 AM

well yes there is a breaking bad tour of the city that takes people places. i used to live around a bunch of them including the denny's where walt eats his bacon/ buys his gun and a condemned house that served as a meth house in season 1 i think (now it's been demolished). so they go to see lots of places-- locals can identify all the spots, so it's like a game. the place where they cook first, really pretty landscape, outside of town, i've taken photos there. garduño's where they eat that last meal with hank? that's all real too, ha ha ha (i don't like it much, but whatever). the car wash, etc.

so yes, of course the tour stops at the candy lady's place--- the candy lady is in a tourist area anyway-- the "old town" so sure the tourists buy it. every tourist goes to old town.


the whole area looks like this and is almost exclusively stuff for the turistas


kind of a wild west feeling. it's 300 years since it was founded but this is america and that's "old".

this looks ready for a spaghetti western:


oh, here, they have a website

total tourist trap, i hate the place, but i dropped off my parents to see it anyway, they like that shit.

but i digress--- yes of course she sells to tourists. the original tv prop! like buffy's stakes. ha ha ha. i'd buy one of those.

!@#$%! 09.29.2013 08:11 AM

ps here is her store

"product is not recommended for children" she sez.

gotta get me a bag ha ha ha. some skulls for dia de los muertos too.

LifeDistortion 09.29.2013 12:26 PM

I've got a bag of the "blue ice" candy. It came in a little ziplock baggie too, but they have the "Breaking Bad" title on it. I haven't ate any of it, don't like rock candy.

Gulasch Noir 09.29.2013 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

As a fan of the original by Lana I enjoyed that, thanks.

Am I the only one who thought that Mr. Merkert was somehow on Gus' pay roll? I always thought, the way he talked and acted didn't make a very trustful impression. George Merkert:
I guess, I was misleaded.

Enjoy Felina! (actually, one of my cats is named Felina).

LifeDistortion 09.29.2013 02:12 PM

Here's my latest curious idea, that just occurred to me re-watching the episode Mike dies. Mike went out standing up to Walter. Then Hank dies standing his ground to the Nazis. Bald men refusing to bow down even if it means their death. Then we compare this to Walt, who seems to want to be the kind of men that Hank and Mike are. Men who don't take crap from anyone. Yet we know Walt isn't really that strong in character, that much of his bravado is a front. So if/when Walt dies, will this show by not having him go out in that same screw you style that these men do, that Walt was never as full of conviction as they were?

dead_battery 09.29.2013 03:20 PM

i have absolutely no idea how this show will end. i cant see walt going down like scarface, yet i cant imagine how else he will die either. we've been told repeatedly by the cast that there is lots of violence in this final season, so far hank, gomez and andrea have died. really, thats only 1 of the main cast who has died so far, gomez and andrea were never that vital to the show. it seems like more people will die - the nazis obviously, lydia could die or not and it wouldnt really be that integral to the plot. but the question is are any of the other main characters going to die other than walt?

marie, skylar, walt jr, jesse, the greymatter couple.

i think we need to bear in mind that the show is basically already over, since the inevitable resolution of most of the story has happened - walt gets caught, hank dies, the cops find out etc. the family has fallen apart.

if this was a movie, what we are going to see tonight is like the final bits they add after the main resolution of the plot for dramatic effect. really it was the last 2 episodes that concluded most of the story. all that is left is to end it definitively.

like i said, i have no clue what is going to happen. i couldnt foresee how it has gone so far and i cant imagine how it will end.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.29.2013 03:24 PM

Misinformation? Misled? All i did was post a picture! You're lame, everything's lame.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

as for the implications--- i don't know. BB certainly doesn't glorify meth use! those tweakers are extremely ugly.

No, but it glorifies some kind of "Robin Hood" approach to drug dealing. There is no honor or success in destroying your community. What made all the tweakers ugly? Right, the asshole selling them the meth ;)

dead_battery 09.29.2013 03:24 PM


what is huell doing? last time we saw him he was in that motel room.

how will potato faces affection for lydia play out?

will the nazis get caught by the cops? this is the easiest way for jesse to survive. the nazis killed andrea, burgled hanks house (which the cops know about) and went to skylars house. seems like its being set up that the cops will locate them.

will jesse and walt meet each other again before this episode is over?

greymatter couple? will walt go to their home and have some kind of shoot out?

marie? is she just going to grieve or will she confront walt? will SHE kill walt in revenge for hank?

what about skylar and walt jr? will they ever see walt again?

will gus frings zombie come back from the dead?

walt - cancer? suicide by cop? scarface shoot out? closing shot of him heading down the freeway into the mexican sunset?

what does jesse do if he survives?

dead_battery 09.29.2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
No, but it glorifies some kind of "Robin Hood" approach to drug dealing. There is no honor or success in destroying your community. What made all the tweakers ugly? Right, the asshole selling them the meth ;)

nah man, it doesnt really do that. it skirts that but in the end it becomes about exploring consequences.

i think BB, unlike scarface and most other drug films, manages to get to a level of realism - at least on an emotional level, that transcends either glorifying or simply condemning. it is not trying to glorify it then pull back with cheap moralism - oh look it ended badly so crime doesnt pay. it goes beyond that. its not like gta or something which is giving you the crime and the badassness but masking it in humour and irony to avoid the realism.

now of course, you are right that in the minds of many of the idiot fans its glorious, but these idiots would think that about any movie that had any kind of badass crime and violence at all.

i have to applaud bb for the absolutely spectacular achievement of being able to depict meth use. its such a difficult thing to capture, but it does it absolutely brilliantly. it mixes brutal realism with over the top stuff like hole digging and atms falling on heads, and it some how manages to pull it off.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.29.2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery

now of course, you are right that in the minds of many of the idiot fans its glorious, but these idiots would think that about any movie that had any kind of badass crime and violence at all.

If people are going on "tours" and stopping off to buy some souvenir "meth candy" in dope baggies and everything, what the fuck? I mean seriously, how the fuck am I the only one who sees something totally, epically, embarassingly wrong with this picture?

The sadder part is the TV reflects real life, it doesn't create it. If there are mercilessly successful TV shows about meth, that shows the sad reality where meth has become a more or less normal part of everyday life. Meth is America. Its sad. Meth only destroys people.

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