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chabib 04.14.2006 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by silverfreepress (sdasher)
so is

the end of the ugly

the final message?

no. there are 10. i think there are still 2 more that haven't been reached yet.

truncated 04.14.2006 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by shitstain
i will agree that reviews are mostly dumb and who really gives a fuck about what someone else thinks of something like an SY album

but i will also say that who gives a fuck about what some reviewer in a magazine says.. what i mean is, there is no different between the reviewer who posts on here and tells you where to get it, and the reviewer in a magazine who tells you about it and that its available to buy in all major retail outlets.

i also imagine it does suck for SY to have to read all this shit.. but i think if SY approached the message board like a band like Animal Collective who some read the board a lot and talk about stuff with people, all this cold hearted review nonsense wouldnt occur. and i guess you can say that that is putting something on someone to do something to please someone else, but im just saying that if SY is sad or bummed as you put it, they should come on here and talk to the people interested in them about it, and maybe they would feel less sad...

i agree that accountability and respect is nice.. it's a really good thing to support music and art and bands.. but the reality is, if you want control over your art, you have to realize the way people and life work, in a totally non-judgemental way. whether or not you like life changing or not, if you want to have control over your arts presentation, you should see this very large, and popular form of music sharing and listening

It's not even the technicality of whether or not you actually go and download the album. It's attitudes like this, that suggest that SY should resign themselves to that kind of behavior from fans. Worse still, that they're obligated in some way to explain themselves to us! That people dismiss their decision to have a release date, and feel that they are ENTITLED to a preview, that they somehow have co-ownership of this music (I hate to use the term ownership, but it will suffice for now). You DON'T! THEY made the album, and if THEY want you to get a preview, they'll provide a means of doing so. Until they do, NO, you don't have a "right" to any such thing!

There is NOTHING to debate here! Jeeeeeeesus

truncated 04.14.2006 09:54 AM

Chris, I'm bored with my hover message. When does it change?

sonikold 04.14.2006 10:14 AM

i just had a dream about buying "rather ripped" on vinyl... i'm not going to dl it, like i didn't dl "the greatest", because i know i want to buy it when it comes out. if you can't even bring yrself to buy the band's album, you shouldn't be on their message board calling yrself a fan. you've probably noticed that i'm into filesharing, but i try to dl things that i wouldn't be able to buy in my shitty town with its 2 music stores. you guys are fucking lame, at least if i get a leak i do something creative with it besides reviewing it or pissing off the band's messageboard...

at war with the potatoes

sonikold 04.14.2006 10:16 AM

oh, and i think it'd be funny if the leak wasn't even the actual album. wasn't it radiohead that leaked their own demos and everyone thought it was the album?

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 04.14.2006 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by sonikold
if you can't even bring yrself to buy the band's album, you shouldn't be on their message board calling yrself a fan.

Haha. You people are such prudes.

M. 04.14.2006 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
In fact, if I were in SY's place, I'd forbid you mutineers to buy the album, because I wouldn't want to have such an appallingly stupid, obstinate fanbase.

:) talk about respect. i'm not pro downloading, but seeing you get so amusingly upset is making me doubt if i shouldn't do so after all.
i certainly hope sy themselves are a bit more relaxed about 2006's reality than you or mister chabib are.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 04.14.2006 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by M.
:) talk about respect. i'm not pro downloading, but seeing you get so amusingly upset is making me doubt if i shouldn't do so after all.
i certainly hope sy themselves are a bit more relaxed about 2006's reality than you or mister chabib are.

But you're forgetting. As Sonic Youth fans, we don't have any rights. We sold our souls to them. We have to buy what they tell us to buy and when they tell us to buy it.

RIPfrey05 04.14.2006 10:24 AM

My opinion on this is that it is okay to download and enjoy the album as long as you still buy it when it comes out officially.

RIPfrey05 04.14.2006 10:25 AM

this whole "leaking" thing is another reason to go back to vinyl

marleypumpkin 04.14.2006 10:27 AM

Hell yeah RIPfrey. We should be forced to buy the vinyl. Not that that's a bad thing.

chabib 04.14.2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by sonikold
oh, and i think it'd be funny if the leak wasn't even the actual album. wasn't it radiohead that leaked their own demos and everyone thought it was the album?

it would be funny. unfortunately, that's not the case in this situation. it's just lame since a band has to go thru somewhat formal hoops with a label to present their music pre-release and SY was personally spending time and energy doing that while rehearsing for tour, etc.

if i were them, i'd just basically feel disheartened to spend the energy coming up with creative ways to be generous with fans when fans take it upon themselves to decide how, when and where something that isn't theirs should be **first** presented to the internet.

fortunately for the less fuckwitish and impatient amongst you, it looks like the band is still doing what they have to do to develop some sort of preview strategy.

marleypumpkin 04.14.2006 10:32 AM

chabib, The voice of reasoning.

truncated 04.14.2006 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by M.
:) talk about respect. i'm not pro downloading, but seeing you get so amusingly upset is making me doubt if i shouldn't do so after all.
i certainly hope sy themselves are a bit more relaxed about 2006's reality than you or mister chabib are.

I could give a rat's ass whether you download the album or not. Nor is this an issue of whether or not it's morally acceptable to download.

What's irritating me beyond measure is people making presumptions about how the band feels about this, and skewing them to suit their purposes, if not ignoring them altogether.

Dumbass Poster: I totally have a right to rip the new album, cuz like, I'm a huge fan, and like, I don't feel like waiting, and like, I'm sure SY is cool with it.

Chabib (paraphrased): If/when SY wants you to have previews of the album, they'll provide them. Otherwise, it'll be available on its release date. They aren't happy with leaks.

Dumbass Poster (after several minutes of unsuccessful attempts at comprehension): But like, I still want it, so I'm gonig to do it anyway. Cuz like, I'm a huge fan, and since I'm an impatient whiny bastard, I don't want to have to wait for it. I still think SY is cool with it.

A question has asked, an answer has been given, yet people STILL maintain it isn't the case. It's like arguing with someone about the color of the fucking sky. It isn't debatable!

The issue at hand isn't so much what pisses me off - it's complete obstinate stupidity that gets me.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 04.14.2006 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
I could give a rat's ass whether you download the album or not. Nor is this an issue of whether or not it's morally acceptable to download.

Isn't it?

If it's ok to download the album, there has to be a set date for people to download it? Is that right?

I'm sure Sonic Youth have obligations to their record company. Which is why they aren't "providing samples", going door to door and passing out the album, setting up a "release date" so the albums can be shipped to the retailers in a timely fashion.

But, you see, I don't have any obligation to the record company.

truncated 04.14.2006 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
Isn't it?

If it's ok to download the album, there has to be a set date for people to download it? Is that right?

I'm sure Sonic Youth have obligations to their record company. Which is why they aren't "providing samples", going door to door and passing out the album, setting up a "release date" so the albums can be shipped to the retailers in a timely fashion.

But, you see, I don't have any obligation to the record company.

Well, none of us are members of SY, are we? So we can't say that their obligation to the record company is the only reason they're enforcing the release date.

If some informed source tells me that is indeed the case, then fine, have at it. But until then, I'm not going to presume to know what SY's motivations are.

chabib 04.14.2006 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
Isn't it?

If it's ok to download the album, there has to be a set date for people to download it? Is that right?

I'm sure Sonic Youth have obligations to their record company. Which is why they aren't "providing samples", going door to door and passing out the album, setting up a "release date" so the albums can be shipped to the retailers in a timely fashion.

But, you see, I don't have any obligation to the record company.

sure. all i'm saying is that that doesn't mean that the band might not find you a complete douchebag.

not that you should care... a lot of people are douchebags.

truncated 04.14.2006 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
But you're forgetting. As Sonic Youth fans, we don't have any rights. We sold our souls to them. We have to buy what they tell us to buy and when they tell us to buy it.

Quite the opposite - you aren't obligated to buy shit. It's a free market, and that's the point. Correlatively, they aren't obligated to provide you with anything. They produce at will, and you consume at will. If neither of you like the other's terms, you won't comply with them. It's as simple as that.

truncated 04.14.2006 10:52 AM

In all seriousness, am I completely unintelligible? Am I being especially inarticulate? I'm honestly curious.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 04.14.2006 10:54 AM

Alright, so my question to you, if these are Sonic Youth's intentions, and not the intentions of the label, then do their intentions really make sense? How are they being hurt or disrepected by someone downloading, not paying for the album now, where in 3 months they'll have no problem with it?

Is it because they don't like the quality of the media that's being ripped? Isn't that doing more damage to the fan who's downloading it, and providing an incentive for them to acquire the album in a higher quality later down the road?

Really, I'm curious to know what you think.

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