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Androol 04.29.2009 04:54 AM

whats the worst album?
the eternal

summer 04.29.2009 04:56 AM

TV Shit

Androol 04.29.2009 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by summer
TV Shit

and for full length?

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 04:58 AM


dirty probably. If not, then Rather Ripped, obviously.

summer 04.29.2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Androol
and for full length?

TV Shit-- the extended cut!

Uhmmm their worst album to me is probably Washing Machine. Dunno, something about it bugs me, though it does have The Diamond Sea which is one of the best songs ever made by anyone.

Schizophrenia 04.29.2009 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by summer
TV Shit-- the extended cut!

Uhmmm their worst album to me is probably Washing Machine. Dunno, something about it bugs me, though it does have The Diamond Sea which is one of the best songs ever made by anyone.

I love WM!!!! True love!

Worst: Rather Ripped. Hands down.

greedrex 04.29.2009 05:05 AM

The Least Good
is Rather Ripped without a doubt
or TV Shit but it's hardly an album.
To it doesn't count at all.

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 05:05 AM

TV Shit's way better than Rather Ripped.

ZEROpumpkins 04.29.2009 05:06 AM

One day you will all grow up and put RR in perspective instead of hating it just because it's a recent SY release.

News flash:
Most fans hate the most recent release by an artist the most. They become so familiar with their older material, they set unrealistic expectations which cannot possibly be met. It's how the human mind works.

summer 04.29.2009 05:07 AM

Hey I actually like RR so I dunno who you're talking to Marty McFly

greedrex 04.29.2009 05:08 AM

o I really LIKE RR, but i actually WORSHIP any of their other LPs so, there.
just answering the question.

Androol 04.29.2009 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by greedrex
o I really LIKE RR, but i actually WORSHIP any of their other LPs so, there.
just answering the question.

are you worshiping the eternal already?

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Most fans hate the most recent release by an artist the most.

I've never heard of this. I thought most fans hated the shittiest releases by an artist the most? I stand corrected.

greedrex 04.29.2009 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Androol
are you worshiping the eternal already?

pretty much yes.
this band never ceases to amaze me.

summer 04.29.2009 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I've never heard of this. I thought most fans hated the shittiest releases by an artist the most? I stand corrected.

Man, what world do you live in? It happens with virtually every single band. "THIS NEW ALBUM SUCKS!" I've never seen it not happen, really. Fans are really fickle and strange.

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 05:18 AM

I dunno. I guess the fans of most of the bands I listen to -- the ones almost no one talks about on this increasingly-shitty board -- aren't so closeminded to dismiss an album a few hours after it comes out... they typically realize you actually need to listen to music a few times to let it sink in. Strange, eh?

It's kinda sad when users who primarily post their feelings about music on band's shoutboxes make the majority of the people posting on here recently seem mature in comparison.

Androol 04.29.2009 05:18 AM

News Flash:

summer 04.29.2009 05:21 AM

..god I do not like you >.>

Androol 04.29.2009 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by summer
..god I do not like you >.>


atsonicpark 04.29.2009 05:25 AM

He may be directing that rude and bizarre comment at me. Feel free to keep the middle finger post, though... I'm sure he'll start a new thread about it soon.

ZEROpumpkins 04.29.2009 05:28 AM

You'll notice it loads on

I'm not saying you guys dislike RR for that reason, but it undoubtedly happens a lot in this age of "now now now". Case in point: Quaristice

pbradley 04.29.2009 05:28 AM

Rather Ripped is a meh album. Quite thoroughly meh that it almost defines meh.

I can't say it is the worst because it's just so meh.

I think Dirty has the title but I got rid of that so I can't quickly re-evaluate.

Androol 04.29.2009 05:28 AM


starting the eternal for my fourth time in a row

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 05:29 AM

Well, again, maybe we're not going to the same shoutboxes.

Never heard any Quarastice hatred except on this board. I thought everyone agreed it was a strong album. I think Autechre just gets better with every release, personally (with Draft being my personal favorite).

Androol 04.29.2009 05:31 AM

yeah holy fuck the eternal is definitely a grower for me

sacred trickster is gonna melt my face off live i can tell

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 05:32 AM

The one that really gets me on the Eternal is "Leaky Lifeboat". I have listened to that song alone quite a few times. It's brilliant. I like the whole album, but that one really gets me for some reason. It's not just the harmonics.

Androol 04.29.2009 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
The one that really gets me on the Eternal is "Leaky Lifeboat". I have listened to that song alone quite a few times. It's brilliant. I like the whole album, but that one really gets me for some reason. It's not just the harmonics.

hmm interesting. thats by far the one ive been having the most trouble enjoying. coming up next though

ZEROpumpkins 04.29.2009 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Well, again, maybe we're not going to the same shoutboxes.

Never heard any Quarastice hatred except on this board. I thought everyone agreed it was a strong album. I think Autechre just gets better with every release, personally (with Draft being my personal favorite).

I've been hanging around WATMM a bit more lately and all I read on the Autechre board is fans whining about Quaristice being shit. If Autechre released an album of white noise as a follow up, I can imagine perspectives will change.

I think perspective has a lot to do with how much one enjoys an album. There was a lot of complaining about Sonic Nurse until RR came out.

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 05:46 AM

Maybe you're onto something. I think we're mainly talking about musicians that are pretty popular though.

Perhaps people give more of "the benefit of the doubt" to smaller bands. Like, you never heard a super obscure noise release coming out and someone going "MAN IT JUST DIDN'T HAVE AS MUCH HARSH STATIC AS THE LAST ALBUM!" For whatever reason, it seems that people into, uh, "smaller" and more "out-there" music is often less critical of the music that bands make. Of course, it's a completely different atmosphere, as those bands may release something 2 or 3 times a year compared to Sonic Youth, who release a new album every 2/3 years.

So, yeah, I guess it has more to do with the build up, the anticipation of the release. My solution is just not to get excited about anything. Maybe that's why I actually enjoy the Eternal. I wasn't expecting much.

ZEROpumpkins 04.29.2009 05:54 AM

Yeah, I see what you mean with smaller bands. I remember when Battles released Mirrored and everyone loved it. Only months later was it trendy to hate it.

transmogrifier 04.29.2009 05:59 AM

I'm not sure how it is possible to claim an album is the best or worst of a discography that spans 16 full length studio albums plus a tonne of side projects.....less than a DAY after hearing it for the first time. It's the worst form of internet attention seeking, and it works every time.

Androol 04.29.2009 06:12 AM

uh huh

mil_pl 04.29.2009 10:00 AM

confusion is sex for me.

SYRFox 04.29.2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by mil_pl
confusion is sex for me.

omg you!!! :mad:


thesilverrocket 04.29.2009 10:27 AM

I don't think SY has a 'worst album'. But they have made albums I haven't fallen in love with: NYCG&F, A Thousand Leaves...

mil_pl 04.29.2009 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
omg you!!! :mad:


this is the only one album that I don't listen often.
I like live songs from it though.

Rob Instigator 04.29.2009 10:34 AM

Dirty fucking rules. chappel hill, wish fulfilment, JC, PURR, 100%, the record is awesome.

the worst SY record is Experimenta Jet Set Trash & No Star by A MILE

thesilverrocket 04.29.2009 10:52 AM

I agree about Dirty, a powerful record start to finish. Over-bashed for sure. I saw them play it live and it was a sight & sound fury. I completely disagree with XJST&NS. First off, the packaging is cool as f. Secondly, listen carefully to the bass lines, they are masterful. The only drawback to this record is the absence of a Lee track.

Derek 04.29.2009 10:58 AM

Experimental Jetset is an album I severely don't like.

Rob Instigator 04.29.2009 11:12 AM

EJST&NS is the only sonic youth album, EP, side project, solo record I do not enjoy.

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