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dead_battery 12.07.2014 10:36 PM

uk right wingers going on rampage
something needs cut and its not public spending


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.07.2014 11:14 PM

Heard dat

gmku 12.08.2014 01:04 PM

Well, we're a democracy, and there's room for all voices, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.

dead_battery 12.08.2014 07:13 PM

democracy is a mechanism by which those without power are allowed to reaffirm their own redundancy through an endless, meaningless discourse - while those with money buy and pay for their own laws.

gmku 12.09.2014 08:23 AM

And you're saying there might be something wrong with that.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 09:29 AM

they wage wars we dont want, send us to die, destroy the economy, attack the public services and drive people to suicide with benefit cuts. they need to learn that there are consequences - consequences that target the wealth and property that keeps them in place and keeps everyone else out.

these incompetent and deluded fuckwits should be dethroned and claiming benefits or flipping burgers. they should be forced back to the bottom of the society they exploit/mismanage.

that's me being generous since most of them really deserve worse considering the blood on their hands.

tesla69 12.09.2014 09:36 AM

as Mike Watt once told me, democracy is mob rule. God save the Republic. Looking at the general level of stupidity among the pod people I would be very against direct democracy.

ann ashtray 12.09.2014 09:59 AM

The US is not and never was a democracy.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 10:32 AM

tory cunt iain duncan smith is introducing a change to the benefit system called "universal credit".

this cunt was born as heir to a manor and all the villagers had to call him by his title. he looks and behaves exactly like the vampire he is.

universal credit means that your benefits and your housing benefit will all be paid in one lump sum once a month. the system now pays your housing benefit to the landlord directly.

these cunts must know very well the desolation and bleakness of life for the poor, and i suspect they are doing this deliberately so the right wing press can further its moralistic agenda.

because people with addictions for example will just get that money and spend it all before they can pay their rent. similarly, most poor people have so many things they NEED to buy that any money they get is gone instantly.

this system will lead to many people going broke by the end of the month and losing their homes.

which is precisely what the right wingers WANT because then they can write smear articles about poor people and claim that they are evil scroungers who are the cause of the recession.

they will use this to push for further cuts and more poverty, making themselves richer in the process.

also, the slumlord class that has the money and power in this country wants ANY EXCUSE to kick out poor people and so universal credit will allow them to get rid of loads of their tenants.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.09.2014 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
democracy is a mechanism by which those without power are allowed to reaffirm their own redundancy through an endless, meaningless discourse - while those with money buy and pay for their own laws.

Shhhhh. You're going to ruin all !@$&#!'s fantasies about democracy being legit

!@#$%! 12.09.2014 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Shhhhh. You're going to ruin all !@$&#!'s fantasies about democracy being legit

please... you're the one who believes in an invisible bronze-age sky god who gives a shit about you.

as db's posts & links illustrate, what evil is in power makes a difference after all. while the british labo(u)r party is shit, the tories are even worse.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.09.2014 01:57 PM

So, you guys always do this fallacy shit. What have to do with.another? My.belief in God has nothing to do with whether democracy is legitimate or.not. The fallacy of attacking my own credibility DOES NOT magically invalidate my argument against democracy, indeed dead_battery doesn't believe in God at all yet he is also being critical of "democracy"

demonrail666 12.09.2014 02:34 PM

i don't like labour but i don't like the tories a lot more. maybe the democratic process is part of that problem but right now the priority is to stop osbourne and the tories and the only realistic way of doing that is through voting. a labour government won't solve all the problems and will likely cause a few new ones of their own but they will be an improvement and that's all i can expect right now. sitting on the side, waiting for some perfect alternative to arrive is a luxury the country just can't afford at the moment. i've no problem with people looking for long term alternatives but right now it's about stopping osbourne's austerity drive and that means voting labour.

blunderbuss 12.09.2014 03:14 PM

But can you see people choosing to vote Labour while Ed Milliband (a man so pointless and unmemorable that I had to Google "Labour party leader" because I couldn't remember his name) as their leader? They need to get shot of him asap, but God knows who of their current MPs could make a decent replacement.

demonrail666 12.09.2014 03:32 PM

Yeah, Milliband is a disaster and should be replaced asap. Chuck Umanna would be popular with younger inner city voters but would be a massive risk. Andy Burnham would be safer and probably my choice. Not convinced by him but he seems the least likely to alienate anyone.

h8kurdt 12.09.2014 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, Milliband is a disaster and should be replaced asap. Chuck Umanna would be popular with younger inner city voters but would be a massive risk. Andy Burnham would be safer and probably my choice. Not convinced by him but he seems the least likely to alienate anyone.

I was more of an Ed Balls man myself. Either way I really can't see Conservative losing the next election and it sucks, it really, really sucks.

!@#$%! 12.09.2014 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
i don't like labour but i don't like the tories a lot more. maybe the democratic process is part of that problem but right now the priority is to stop osbourne and the tories and the only realistic way of doing that is through voting. a labour government won't solve all the problems and will likely cause a few new ones of their own but they will be an improvement and that's all i can expect right now. sitting on the side, waiting for some perfect alternative to arrive is a luxury the country just can't afford at the moment. i've no problem with people looking for long term alternatives but right now it's about stopping osbourne's austerity drive and that means voting labour.

but can you prove that the mummified remains of a deposed ethiopian tyrant can't fix all problems?


seriously though, good post.

demonrail666 12.09.2014 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
I was more of an Ed Balls man myself. Either way I really can't see Conservative losing the next election and it sucks, it really, really sucks.

I like Ed Balls too. I was talking more about who I think they'll go for if/when they replace Milliband. Balls just has too many associations with Brown/Blair. Burnham's the most vanilla option and I think that's who they'll go for. Umunna is bright but represents a very slick, quite elitist political class that I can see really alienating a lot of people. Burnham's problem is that he doesn't really look like a prime minister. He's very light weight. I'd vote for Ed Balls in a heartbeat but I just don't see him ever being leader.

I agree that the tories will most likely win and it depresses the fuck out of me, not least because it shows how useless labour have become that they can't even beat a party headed by Cameron and Osbourne.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 04:23 PM

miliband is so awful.

he's basically offering a weak feel bad moralism about shared values and fairness and all this appeal to the maternal super-ego shit.

the tories offer the (deluded) belief that you can be rich like them, and their message is fundamentally more appealing on the level of human dignity to the average striving to survive person.


i dont care about elections because the whole system is so redundant that theres almost no point playing on its terms.

the welfare state vs. neo liberalism model that we are trapped in is a sign of a deeper malaise, it goes right to the level of metaphysics. you look at singapore and china and their state capitalist model has WON. it is FUNDAMENTALLY MORE EFFICIENT AND BETTER.

the only political discourse we have is an endless tug of war over the idea of a magical individual who can either be starved through cuts to the welfare state and thus become a magical capital generating entrepreneur, or enter into some meaningless phantasm of a discourse about fairness where the magic of democracy starts to somehow work because we believe in it.

we are out of ideas, stale and redundant at a deep deep level.

the tories are at least TRYING to build new nuclear plants. but i dont think the average person can even understand the need for them. then you have a large percentage of the population who is actually opposed to them.

we are so deluded in our self importance that we think china is not yet ahead of us and will soon fall to democracy. our society has regressed on most of its actually worthwhile and unique values - torture, freedom from surveillance etc. and its regressing socially and economically. its a pit of mental illness and addiction with a fat useless rentier class on top and no room for anyone else to improve themselves. once you lose that you lose civility itself.


i dont need to remind anyone that ukip are racist idiots - the problem is not that they are wrong, which they are, but that we can barely offer any alternatives to oppose them with.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 04:39 PM

my belief is that if you live in a society where a large amount of people are dependent on foodbanks, and people chose to go without electricity just to be able to eat - and that same society is incapable of building new nuclear plants, then what you are living in is a society that is a failure at some fundamental level that modernity requires. therefore you are living in a society that will LOSE.

the struggle against superstition, ignorance and delusion didnt go far enough with the enlightenment. when i look at the music and culture of people in england i give myself confirmation bias. you have urban left wing people, who are supposed to be at the cutting edge, dreaming of agrarian hippie fantasies and opening organic food co-ops.

left politicians have literally dismantled most of the countries energy infrastructure because they are the special righteous defenders of the green earth against global warming.

its not that we dont have the technical capacity or the riches to build the plants, its that we cant do it. the state and the private sector are not working in harmony and we lack the capacity to bring harmony to this because the efficacious modulations our ideology could produce have reached their limit.

the asian model just works better.

meanwhile we have neo liberals arguing with people who never got over the fall of the soviet union.

we're going to get beat by the east and part of me thinks - fuck it, we deserve it. it would be novel for US to be the ones crushed by progress and history for the first time in centuries.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 04:47 PM

our capacity to willfully ignore the situation is potentially limitless. but you only have to look around or read the news to see the cracks appearing. employment is still poverty for most people, being young is almost synonymous with being poor.

we live in a geriatric carbohydrate feeding pen and the young, when they arent deliberately destroying themselves, will be wiping up the shit of the useless aging population thats bankrupting them.

demonrail666 12.09.2014 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
i dont care about elections because the whole system is so redundant that theres almost no point playing on its terms.

It won't address the big problems but it needn't be an either/or decision. I vote labour only with the idea that they might make things a tiny bit easier in the short term while at the same time looking for a more long-term alternative to the cul de sac that both parties ultimately represent.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 05:02 PM

yeah fair enough.

im sure they do make some small differences, although how you can even tell anymore with the media as it is i dont know.

lets not forget - "i abolished boom and bust"
"we have x years to save the world"
"i believed invading iraq was the right decision at the time"

also, alistair campbell style politics are so bad that i prefer corrupt tories to people like him.

Genteel Death 12.09.2014 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery

we live in a geriatric carbohydrate feeding pen and the young, when they arent deliberately destroying themselves, will be wiping up the shit of the useless aging population thats bankrupting them.

As much as this is a pretty obvious a thing to say, it's become very necessary. I can't think of any other generation of young people who really need to wipe out the old and build something better. I don't know how though, as most young people seem as hopeless as older people right now, save for a few who talk a lot and never do anything of worth.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 05:08 PM

my point is that theres no longer space in the system to actually do anything. at best you can try, mostly vainly, to keep some of its civilizing structures intact.

a businessman in a town i wont name offered to build a nuclear plant from his own funds, and the council rejected it. can anyone count the number of nuclear plants built in china in the past few years?

the asian system is expanding and thriving as we speak. you get a mix of the best of the welfare state with the best of capitalism and they both work in harmony.

and anyone who wants to respond with a big list of "whats wrong with china" im A) already aware and B) its irrelevant in the long term

Genteel Death 12.09.2014 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery

and anyone who wants to respond with a big list of "whats wrong with china" im A) already aware and B) its irrelevant in the long term

Not sure what you mean with this, as both China and India are faced with people growingly inpatient with the lack of welfare state like never before.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 05:19 PM

yeah, because only 240 million chinese peasants got given pensions

their supposed "impatience" is NOT a drive to overthrow the state and become a US run liberal democracy, it's rather hands held out for more, only pretending to bite the hands that feed them in a simulation of dissidence that's really an effective form of collective bargaining.

Genteel Death 12.09.2014 06:14 PM

You don't overthrow anything because of impatience alone.

dead_battery 12.09.2014 06:52 PM

sad old marxist is sad. and old.

gmku 12.09.2014 07:03 PM

Oh, give me a break.


Originally Posted by dead_battery
they wage wars we dont want, send us to die, destroy the economy, attack the public services and drive people to suicide with benefit cuts. they need to learn that there are consequences - consequences that target the wealth and property that keeps them in place and keeps everyone else out.

these incompetent and deluded fuckwits should be dethroned and claiming benefits or flipping burgers. they should be forced back to the bottom of the society they exploit/mismanage.

that's me being generous since most of them really deserve worse considering the blood on their hands.

Genteel Death 12.09.2014 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
sad old marxist is sad. and old.

And what is your manifesto then?

Genteel Death 12.09.2014 07:26 PM

Still waiting for an answer, darling. Going to bed soon.

demonrail666 12.10.2014 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
As much as this is a pretty obvious a thing to say, it's become very necessary. I can't think of any other generation of young people who really need to wipe out the old and build something better. I don't know how though, as most young people seem as hopeless as older people right now, save for a few who talk a lot and never do anything of worth.

Their hopelessness might just be an honest (albeit largely unconscious) response to a situation that is just hopeless. I vote but I'm under no illusion that it really matters in any major way. At least not in a way that'll fundamentally change our course. That'll take something far more radical. But I haven't heard any really credible, or even interesting ideas from outside the political mainstream in ages, be it from marxists, libertarians, or the seemingly countless anarcho groups that've sprung up in the last few years. I've read just about everything from 0 books and semiotexte, and attended more meetings than I can remember. I've looked into all kinds of bright new ideas from Capitalist Realism through to Speculative Realism, but nothing, or at least nothing that gives me any kind of genuine hope.

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