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Jeremy 10.22.2009 11:51 AM

Is Halloween dead?
Last year my girlfriend and I were at her house giving away candy to trick or treaters, and maybe 17 groups in all stopped by. This year I see few decorations, few costumes in stores, no horror movies on TV, etc. It depresses me at how such a fun and unique holiday has such small interest now, apparently. :(

I live in Las Vegas too.... You'd think it would be pretty popular around here.

On the other hand, at least I finally found some Count Chocula. :)


Rob Instigator 10.22.2009 11:56 AM

whatr serendipity, as I was goinna post about this inthe other hallween thread.

Halloween is a holiday for CHILDREN. It always has been, but due to the near-omnipresent infantilization of american adults, it has been converted into just another reason for adults to get drunk.
fear tactics and endless hyperbole and horror stories have made many parents afraid to trick or treat, cuz "anyone may be a KILLER!" even though the only kids ever hurt by candy were poisoned ar given dangerous shit by close relatives.
every year less and less kids come by trick or treating, instead they set up halloween "parties" at people's work, at the malls, at the schools, etc.

I love seeing kids dressed up and loving halloween, but when more than half the kids that ring the bell are 14 and wearing regular fucking clothes... that shit is just stupid.

personally, Halloween is boring to me, ever since I was around 14 or so. I do not see why adults get so into it.

oh well. party pooper.

Glice 10.22.2009 12:04 PM

Halloween, round my parts, has always been about wandering around, egging people, starting fights, getting pissed and so on. This year, I'm playing music at a murder mystery event, which will be much more fun than sitting in a darkened house so it looks like you're out.

Rob Instigator 10.22.2009 12:06 PM

I enjoy being with my friends but something about costume parties seems so desperate-for-fun to me. they always devolve into ogling the sluttiest costume. That is cool for about 5 minutes.
this year we are all gonna go on a walking halloween pub crawl. that should make for some good fights.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.22.2009 01:10 PM

I would gleefully spend the rest of my life chained to a wall, with a plastic hose bound to my mouth, force feeding me nothing but Count Chocula, and 2% milk, and die the happiest man on the planet.

notyourfiend 10.22.2009 01:14 PM

undead undead undead the virginal bride...

wait, wrong thread nevermind.

DeadDiscoDildo 10.22.2009 01:20 PM

Short answer, Yes. Thanks to Rob Zombie.

Don't fuck with John Carpenter, asshole.

pbradley 10.22.2009 02:00 PM

Money is tight for everyone.

Rob Instigator 10.22.2009 02:11 PM

that is truth.

kids cannot even afford eggs to throw at houses with no candy

atsonicpark 10.22.2009 06:43 PM

Yeah, dead as fuck. I remember when I was littler, there'd be a huge groups of kids trick or treating. Now you'll see a few houses with lights on. Then again, horror movies are quite dead too. Um, actually, nearly everything is worse now than it was, say, 10 years ago. So...

deflinus 10.22.2009 06:49 PM

kids dont want candy anymore, they want cell phones

atsonicpark 10.22.2009 06:53 PM

I want candy!
Bubblegum and taffy!
Skip to the sweet shop with my sweetheart Sandy!
Got my pennies saved so I'm her sugar daddy!
I'm her Hugh Cronen, she's my Jessica Tandy

I want candy!

terriblecanyons 10.22.2009 07:00 PM

it's definitely dead around in these parts.
I try my darndest to make it exciting for the kiddies that actually DO trick-or-treat these days. adults make it impossible for kids to have fun. now instead of wandering around in the dark going to stranger's houses, we have "safe night" where you go to a "safe" location (like a high school, YMCA, etc) and give kids lame candy like fucking popcorn balls (okay that shit is good, but still) and it's just generally boring. I remember back when I was a kid they showed fucking ROCKY HORROR on tv... now those were the days.

since those days are gone I go all-out with decorations and theatrics. I'm gonna hide in the bushes next to my house and grab ankles of any kids that go to my door. MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHJEFKJLFKJGHGHGHG

floatingslowly 10.22.2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Halloween is a holiday for CHILDREN. It always has been,

you ain't no scientist!

Rob Instigator 10.22.2009 10:41 PM

sad for the kids n shit

pbradley 10.22.2009 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by hypertonic
i got one of these:

Brilliant. I could wear that with my suit. I shall look into that.

FreshChops 10.23.2009 12:15 AM

dead around here too, just as you mentioned. We were just talking about that today too. first it felt like the holiday slipped up on us without a care and probably a great deal in part to the fact that nobody is participating, decorations and all that. It might have a lot to do with the economy.

I've seen people around here go in debt with decorations, parties and all. this year no-one seems to care.

alteredcourse 10.23.2009 12:26 AM

I love halloween so much. I love the smells and the sounds and the creepy bits of october. Nobody has a do a thing right around now for that creepy scary fucked up feeling to happen. I already feel it. The people around me are acting all jumpety and defensive and spooked, too. It's so awesome. Thats why halloween was made, not the other way around. It's nature.

I'd love to get a house. I would be so scary and have patches and burn wounds and all kinda shit all over me, and have someone in the garden to the side in a leaf pile to jump out at the kids when they came up to the door.

Sonic Youth 37 10.23.2009 01:23 AM

I love Halloween. My apartment has had rubber bats hanging from the ceiling since August.

Sonic Youth 37 10.23.2009 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
undead undead undead the virginal bride...

wait, wrong thread nevermind.

This is the perfect thread for Bauhaus

atsonicpark 10.23.2009 01:24 AM

I try to spend every day like it's Halloween.


DeadDiscoDildo 10.23.2009 01:24 AM

Burning Bodies Hanging From Poles

atsonicpark 10.23.2009 01:26 AM

They were so awesome live, could barely play their songs, so great!

Sonic Youth 37 10.23.2009 01:28 AM

Wolfgang was like 16 when he joined I think.

atsonicpark 10.23.2009 01:32 AM

You know what I realized about the Misfits recently? They frequently used the 3/4 time signature in a lot of their tracks. Pretty cool. Not something mindblowing, but it explains why they sound a lot different than other punk bands.

Oh, that and the custom made guitars.

And the melodic vocals.

And the amazing songwriting.

Just an awesome band... even though they probably did use that "DUN DUN" stop/start thing in a few too many songs (I don't know what else to call it... for an example, see after the 2nd chorus of "Hollywood Babylon").

alteredcourse 10.23.2009 01:41 AM

Is that it? I dont know, its hard to listen to them anymore.
Your thoroughness is touching though, as always.

I watched Trick r Treat recently. It's pretty nice to have a fable-y halloween tale kind of movie get made. That bus scene was awesome.

phoenix 10.23.2009 01:41 AM

Halloween USA style is probably just dead while the GFC fizzles. It'll be back in a few years when people have more money to blow on candy and fake blood and glitter.

atsonicpark 10.23.2009 01:42 AM

The real Halloween will happen New Year's Eve, 2012. We're going to see REAL devils and shit!

...or not. Who knows. Probably not. Y2K, remember?

alteredcourse 10.23.2009 01:50 AM

Y2K is gonna be so awesome.

phoenix 10.23.2009 01:55 AM

NYE is a couple weeks too late is it not?

whatever. I'm on the other side of the planet, it's beltane and sexytimes, not so much death and new year.

Silent Dan Speaks 10.23.2009 02:47 AM

I hope it isn't dead; it's my favorite holiday.

SONIC GAIL 10.23.2009 09:05 AM

Depending on the neighborhood, Halloween still seems to be thriving down here. I always take my kids to trick or treat. It is the one time of the year that people open thier door to strangers and give them stuff. People don't even do this on Christmas.

I used to know someone who was raide3d Pentecostal and they believed that it was a sin to celebrate Halloween whereas the Catholics actually reguard it as a christian holiday. So the non Halloweeners throw "Fall Festivals" on the night of 10/31...but in reality is'nt it the same thing that simply has another name? I find this odd.

floatingslowly 10.23.2009 10:13 AM

mm bop mm bop bop

notyourfiend 10.23.2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
This is the perfect thread for Bauhaus

or better yet, ministry

Conrad 10.23.2009 07:14 PM

We used to have about 500 kids coming to out house, but I think last year we had about 100 or so. A drastic drop.

It's rather unfortunate, really, cause Halloween is a good fucking time.

I don't see why parents should be afraid of Halloween. Unless you're one of those crazy god motherfuckers who hates anything fun and "sinful"

Sonic Youth 37 10.23.2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by notyourfiend
or better yet, ministry

Current 93

Pax Americana 10.23.2009 08:17 PM


Halloween dead!?!?!?!?!?!? Not if Glenn has anything to say about it.
I love Halloween though. Looking to rip it up real good this year.

kierkegaarden 10.23.2009 08:27 PM

sales in the halloween sector are at a record high this year, so the death of halloween can hardly be established

gmku 10.27.2009 11:23 AM

This year for the first time in decades I may be going to a Halloween party. Of sorts. There's a bash at my fave local brew pub and they're showing a movie outdoors. I belong to a local beer meet-up group and we've planned on meeting there for this thing.

Beats sitting at home and passing out razor-apples to neighborhood kids.

Rob Instigator 10.27.2009 11:27 AM

love outdoors movies

saw Good Bad & The Ugly projected onto the side of a garage at a party once. KICK ASS

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