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Mortte Jousimo 09.11.2014 06:21 AM

Album thread: EVOL
I think there isnīt thread about this maybe greatest SY-album (sometimes it is this & sometimes Sister IMO).

Ordered this same time with Dirty, BMR & Sonic Death in 1993 (only vinyl I got before these was Sister). Really loved this immediately, much more than BMR then. Only songs I didnīt like totally at first were In the Kingdom #19, Green Light & Death To Our Friends, but very soon I started to love the whole album! I think this is the first SY-album where they found their real style (First three was kind of searching time). And of course, locked groove in the end is just great!

Rob Instigator 09.11.2014 10:26 AM

To me, this is the most melancholy and beautiful SY album. It takes me through from beginning to end on a ride of memory and sound.

I love it so much

Tom Violence - Love how this song builds, and love how it never veers off into a standard chorus.
Shadow of a Doubt - Maybe the best Kim song ever? Maybe the quietest mind fuck of a video ever? I love this song. I fell in love with Kim because of this song.
Star Power - Love hoe this song builds too! Different side of Kim Loved hearing two Kim songs in a row. she knows how to make love...
In The Kingdom #19 - Lee is the MAN! I love and have always loved this crazy freakout of a track. It is the first song I heard ever where i was not barfing because of the spoken word, and made me appreciate the way Lee's words pain images that match the music, and I love when Thurston throws firecrackers. Song about death and killing and love how it fades
Green Light - I have always taken this to be the best love song Sonic Youth ever wrote. When you first find a special someone that feeling of GO GO GO, the green light, is evident.
Death to Our Friends - LOVE this track. Love how the guitars sound like not guitars and the drums and the whole fucking thing,
Secret Girls - This song is deceptively heavy, in it's theme, and I find it awesome when Kim sings things that make me feel she is unloading heavy emotional shit, even if it is in the guise of another, such as in the song Tunic.
Marilyn Moore - If Marilyn Monroe had married Thurston she would be Marilyn Moore...This is a cool , sad, atmospheric song full of washes of sound that I love
Expressway to YR Skull - "We're gonna find the meaning of feeling good
And we're gonna stay there
As long as we think we should"
Nuff said people! I love this fucking song!

Bubblegum - I love how the Sonic Youth always let us off with a laugh, because they understand that their themes and songs can be ponderous and depressing,. and they want us to know IT'S STILL ROCK N ROLL people!!!1 It is like a cordial after a fancy dinner.

Rob Instigator 09.11.2014 02:14 PM

My fave SY album is Daydream Nation, but Evol is so choice

jetengine 09.11.2014 02:17 PM

EVOL has always been my least favourite of their '80s output. In fact, even Kim herself has gone on record as saying that she doesn't care much for it. It has its moments, however. Thurston and Lee's tracks stand out for me. As I've said before, Kim sounds like she's really not into it on the album's two most promoted tracks, 'Shadow of a Doubt' and 'Starpower'; they sound as if she just woke up and was in a pissy mood or something. 'Tom Violene', 'In The Kingdom #19' and 'Green Light' are the standout tracks for me, and I guess 'Expressway to Your Skull', which reminds me quite a bit of The Doors' 'The End'.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.11.2014 03:26 PM

Tom Violence, Star Power, Shadow of a Doubt, and Express Way To Yr Skull are redeeming tracks from this otherwise unnoticeable album. True, this album is a crucial progression away from the early pure no-wave sound towards something more structured and musical BUT it is clearly a work in progress which was better represented on Sister and then Day Dream Nation..

Early Sonic Youth is why I just own Screaming Fields of Sonic Love which is in essence a "best of early 1980s" Sonic Youth album..

Bal 09.11.2014 03:57 PM

great to see how everyone has a different opininon.
im one of those, who loves evol - hence my sig (altho im a bit bored of it by now, i listened to it soooooo much over the years)
never knew that kim didn't really like it. where did she say that?

jetengine 09.11.2014 10:08 PM

'There's some songs [on EVOL] that I like, but it's not one of my favourites.' --I Dreamed of Noise (1994), p 90

Mortte Jousimo 09.11.2014 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Shadow of a Doubt - Maybe the best Kim song ever? Maybe the quietest mind fuck of a video ever? I love this song. I fell in love with Kim because of this song.


I agree totally!

Bubblegum -

I am glad this is not in vinyl...

Mortte Jousimo 09.12.2014 01:44 AM

One addition: I have once listened EVOL, Made In Usa & Sister non-stop. It was joyful listening, I think they really fit eachother!

foreverasskiss 09.13.2014 07:56 PM

not my fav either. why thay have to wreak the reissue with Bubblegum? hate that shit.

Sister kicks its ass up the stairs then down again twice over. and BMR is better.

i even like the version of Expressway from the 86 peel sessions better than the album. though it doesn't have the extended ambient guitar waves in the outro.

ok, i will say it sounds better on vinyl. same goes for all their 80's releases. it's just a must.

foreverasskiss 09.13.2014 08:40 PM

will say it gave me cool images like joy division while listen to this in the dark long ago.

just can't say i loved it then. but it cool.

Mortte Jousimo 09.14.2014 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
will say it gave me cool images like joy division while listen to this in the dark long ago.

just can't say i loved it then. but it cool.

I donīt think SY & JD has nothing in common (well, you can say SY before EVOL was also very dark music), but yes, EVOL sounds are very near of Unknown Pleasures or Closer. I love really much both bands and also have listened these all records in the dark.

Chris Lawrence 09.14.2014 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Mortte Jousimo
One addition: I have once listened EVOL, Made In Usa & Sister non-stop. It was joyful listening, I think they really fit eachother!

Throw in the Ciccone Youth single and Master=Dik and that's basically everything SY recorded between March '86 and April '87!

Ryan93 09.14.2014 04:01 PM

Evol is a great album. SY find their familiar groove, but mixed in with the weirdness and noise of BMR and CIS. Its a shame it didnt have the constsitency it deserved. The great tracks are fucking great though.

Mortte Jousimo 09.15.2014 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
Throw in the Ciccone Youth single and Master=Dik and that's basically everything SY recorded between March '86 and April '87!

The atmosphere is quite different in CY and Masterdik as it is in EVOL, Made In Usa & Sister, although I love them too!

SonikJesus 09.15.2014 03:14 AM

still havent listened to Made in USA. Also havent listened to any syrs after 2. I should get around to that as I havent listened to any new SY in a long while. I remember when I first got into them about 10 years ago and there was so much to listen to. Constant amazement. Kinda excited.

Mortte Jousimo 09.15.2014 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
still havent listened to Made in USA. Also havent listened to any syrs after 2. I should get around to that as I havent listened to any new SY in a long while. I remember when I first got into them about 10 years ago and there was so much to listen to. Constant amazement. Kinda excited.

I recommend you Made In Usa, SYR3, SYR6, SYR7, SYR9, Demonlover-soundtrack & Kali Yug Express. Also first three John Peel-sessions are amazing!

dasx 09.16.2014 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Mortte Jousimo

Bubblegum -
I am glad this is not in vinyl...

I think Bubblegum is excellent cover! I like it very much and I wish it was on vinyl also. Evol is great album and for me there is no weak moments at all. Shadow of a Doubt is mind blowing, one of the best Kim songs!

My favorite SY album is Daydream Nation, but the golden era Evol to Goo has no weak songs or albums.

evollove 09.16.2014 12:01 PM

I don't get "Hotwire" and "Bubblegum."

I dislike them, sure, but my point is I don't get them. Why put lightweight covers in the middle of such serious original material?

Rob Instigator 09.16.2014 01:06 PM

they did it to fuck with you. SY were never as serious as their critics claimed they were

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