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Moshe 06.18.2008 11:51 PM

Free Kitten interview in Aesthetica #23

a scan would be great.

marleypumpkin 06.19.2008 02:10 AM

Thanks Moshe! I just ordered a copy. & plan to pick up a scanner sometime soon, so I'll try to post them as soon as I can.

HomelessArtist 06.19.2008 09:07 PM

Cool. I'd love to read this.

The guy from pitch fork didn't know what the hell he was writing about.

marleypumpkin 07.24.2008 01:45 PM

Sorry it took so long to get a scan posted. I just recently got the scanner...


blunderbuss 07.25.2008 03:38 AM

Also a FK interview with Julie in Rock-A-Rolla this month. Scan will come when I get around to it.

koolthing78 07.26.2008 12:21 AM

Yay! I still can't get enough of this album (it's kind of scaring me). I actually had a point of some sort, but I've forgotten it. Oh wait! A while back, I read somewhere about a "video shoot" for "Free Kitten on the Mountain." Had anyone else heard that, or am just imagining it? And if so (re: the first part of that question), what ever happened to it? (And no I'm not high...)

viewtiful_alan 07.26.2008 12:25 AM

They were also in Nylon. DOn't have the issue though.

atsonicpark 07.26.2008 08:29 AM

album should've been called "harsh with new york vibe"

or "why are you listening to this shit? is it because it has a bunch of cool people in it?"

koolthing78 07.26.2008 02:38 PM

Ooh ooh! I have one! How about "We acknowledge this album may not be everyone's cup of tea, so people who have the audacity to make really terrible music, upload it onto the internet for others to hear, and then proceed to still be highly vocal about how much other bands suck, should probably not bother listening to and/or commenting on this." Although that seems a little lengthy for an album title.

viewtiful_alan 07.26.2008 04:03 PM

I thought that album just couldn't rise above merley ok...

atsonicpark 07.26.2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by koolthing78
Ooh ooh! I have one! How about "We acknowledge this album may not be everyone's cup of tea, so people who have the audacity to make really terrible music, upload it onto the internet for others to hear, and then proceed to still be highly vocal about how much other bands suck, should probably not bother listening to and/or commenting on this." Although that seems a little lengthy for an album title.

Yeah, but almost no one likes this album. And my new album has gotten nothing but good responses. So, if you're going down that route, you're ridiculous. And even if it you weren't, it wouldn't matter at all, because I still have the right to say it sucks no matter how good or bad my music is. Why would you get so torn up over an OPINION that you'd try to make a personal attack against me? The minute someone starts being insulting, the argument is already over.

...Also... You do realize you don't "have to" like an album just because it has your favorite indie rock allstars in it, right?

koolthing78 07.26.2008 06:16 PM

Free Kitten is a band, Scissor Shock is a band. You said, in essence, that Free Kitten's music is shit. So how is you offering your unsolicited negative opinion about their music any different than me offering my unsolicited negative opinion about yours? I guess I just figured that if you can dish it out (and by dish it out, I mean going out of your way to post in every thread about something you don't like, just to reiterate how much you don't like it--most normal people simply avoid those threads, unless they were specifically started to discuss how horrible something is) you'd probably be able to take it. Free Kitten may have famous members in it, but they're all still humans, just trying to create something that's meaningful to them, and hopefully to others as well--much the same as you are. I'm happy for you that you've gotten great reviews. And the point of this particular thread was to discuss a favorable review/interview of Free Kitten (so obviously some people like it). So why do you have to come in here for the express purpose of being such a downer? That was my point.

atsonicpark 07.26.2008 06:21 PM

I don't mind being attacked, I just didn't think it had anything to do with my reply.

And the reason I posted on this thread is because that's what a message board is -- replying to threads. Posting opinions. I put my opinion out there, just like everyone else. It just happens to be something you don't agree with.

People on this board talk all day about music I don't like.. like Dinosaur Jr and so on... I don't go to every thread and go, "MAN THIS BAND SUCKS FUCK THIS BAND." Free Kitten isn't a bad I necassarily hate, I just thought the last album sucked. So, I posted my opinion. In fact, I think it's the only time I've ever posted about them. I don't really post at all unless I think what I'm saying is noteworthy, and if you notice, I never post pure troll-worthy things like "this band sucks fuck 'em" I always try to think before I speak.

Not trying to give myself too much credit here or anything. I guess the board would just be a less entertaining place if everyone either had the same opinion or everyone was quiet when they disagreed with people.

But yeah I wouldn't have replied at all if it wasn't for the hilarious "harsh with new york vibe" thing they said.

So, no, it's not me trying to be a downer, it's me trying to offer some interesting, um, difference of opinion, every now and then. Otherwise, why even post period if you can't say something different than what everyone else is saying? All of our replies would be what many replies already are.. "cool thanks for posting awesome interview!" x infinity. That's just, you know.. I dunno. I dunno. Haha.

acousticrock87 07.26.2008 06:25 PM

I can't rep you, but well put. I don't mind Free Kitten, but it's just an opinion. That's what we're here for.

atsonicpark 07.26.2008 06:26 PM

Yes, acousticrocks, my very opionated other half!!

Derek 07.26.2008 06:55 PM

I think Free Kitten are bad also, doesn't stop other people from enjoying it! :)

atsonicpark 07.26.2008 06:57 PM


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