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Old 11.22.2007, 09:40 AM   #22
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I don't know, I have always considered them a rock band, even if they have an edge to them that sits well with art gallery types. The majority of their songs are way too structurally rock, and in many interviews the band themselves pointed out that they consider themselves a rock band, not an art-rock one, which is almost a derogatory term made up by lazy journalists.

They have also introduced pretty revolutionary concepts in rock music that is sold and distributed by a major label, even more so than bands like Nirvana, which simply didn't have that wide an output or a long enough career to make a point as brilliantly as Sonic Youth.

Here is not a band that went like a million others and destroyed themselves through drugs and vice, but a hard working group of artistic people that sustained high quality for longer than any other rock band in their position that I can remember. Keeping that in mind, their due still hasn't been paid in full.