11/22/88 - Albuquerque, NM @ SUB Basement

  • Christopher Inbody writes: 11/22/88 was at the University of New Mexico's Student Union Building Basement [the "SUB Basement" once a bar, already dry by '88, and no longer there, having been replaced by a bank]. Mudhoney were to be the opening act, but didn't make it, their van having broken down. The police were for some reason alerted because some skinheads had been hanging around much earlier in the day, and almost didn't let the show go on. 15 minutes into the show, security told them they could play one more song, so in classic SY style, they made it last another 20 minutes. Then the 60 or so audience members [none of whom of course had caused any problems] were escorted out of the building by about 40 policemen.


  • none

    Have any information on this show? E-mail me!


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